Monday, March 29, 2010

Maggie Monday

Hi! Hi! Hi! It's meeee, Maggie! Hi! Hi! Hi!

My Mommm and big brudder Frasier's Mommm are home with uss. I don't knoww why big brudder Frasier's Mommm is home but my Mommm stayeded in our bedd this day. My mommm is not in our beddd now, but she didn't put on herr normal day furr she still has on her sleeptime furr. Our peeples don't call it furr but it's stuff they put on to cover up. Our peeples don't gott much furr so I guess they get coldd because they have to put stuff on that covers up their legs and stuff. Doggies got 4 leggs, the peeples got 4 leggs but they only use 2 of them. The other 2 leggs are short and high up, so I guess they can't use them to walk like wee do. Poor peeples. But we don't say anything to themm about their 2 short leggs not being right, it would be rude and doggies don't like to be rude.

Anyway, I think my Mommm might be sickk. But I take gooood care of her. I stay right by her and keeep her warrmm. Warrmm is goood. I'm being a goood girl today, my Mommm neeeeds meee. I going back to my Mommm now. Woof.


Anonymous said...

Good dog. Any reason to spend all day in bed. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

Well, Maggie may not be the sharpest crayon in the box but she does have her moments of brilliance!