Saturday, March 13, 2010

Springing Forward

Don't forget to set your clocks ahead one hour tonight.

I personally don't think it's necessary to have the time changes anymore. Arizona doesn't, and they seem to do fine.

But since we still have to do it, I'm going to set all my clocks up before bedtime tonight.

I'll still spend the next few days trying to adjust! I dislike the spring change the most, the fall change is easier but still not really necessary.


Anonymous said...

time change is all about conserving energy - a very good thing, in my opinion. one that needs to continue to happen

Otter Mom said...

The time change is not about conserving energy per se. It goes back to WWII (for the US), it was to give people more daylight hours so they could be more productive and save fuel. People like farmers and the like that depend on daylight hours to get their job done. It's not really necessary anymore and should be done away with.