Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Marching Forward! And Books (Edited)

I know it's not the last day of March, but I probably won't have time to read tomorrow and I might not have time to blog, either. So the book list is today.

1. Lion Brand Yarn Vintage Styles for Today - More than 50 Patterns to Knit & Crochet. Well, there was one good pattern anyway!

2. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Nevada Rose. Boring!

3. Family Circle Easy Afghans, 50 Kint & Crochet Projects. Again, not much to hold my interest.

4. Crocheting in Plain English by Maggie Righetti. I don't know where she got the idea that this would be a good idea, it was a very badly written book and if I wasn't an experienced crocheter, I would probably not ever even attempt it after this book.

5. New Encyclopedia of Snakes by Christ Mattison. Well, it had good pictures. But the author very obviously knows very little about snakes!

6. Little House in the Big Woods. I ran out of books to read and it was a Saturday, so I hit my bookshelf.

7. Little House on the Prarie. See # 6.

8. Little House on the banks of Plum Creek. See # 6 & 7.

9. Whitethorn Woods by Maeve Binchy. When I finished 6, 7 & 8 it was still the same Saturday so I went back to my bookshelf. This one is always good.

10. Murder in the Heartland by M. William Phelps. This was a true-crime story. It wasn't as well done as Ann Rule, but it was good. A very sad story. But I felt like the author did a good job with it.

11. F5 by Mark Levine. About the April 1974 tornado outbreak.

12. Crime Beat by Michael Connely. This was a collection of articles & true crime stories. It was ok, good in some places and boring in others. But it was mostly new to me.

13. Extreme Weather by Christopher C. Burt. Interesting, I learned a few things.

14. Cooking Light, Chicken. I'm on the hunt for new recipes, but this book didn't have much that was interesting. It had some good recipes, but they weren't things I wanted to try.

15. The Main Street of America Cookbook, A culinary journey down Route 66 by Marian Clark. Interesting recipes, I'm actually not quite finished with this one.

16. Portraits of Guilt, the Woman Who Profiles the Faces of America's Deadliest Chriminals by Jeanne Boylan. I wasn't sure about this one at first, the title had too many words and that generally means a bad book. But it was actually good and I would recommend it.

17. Unsweetened By Jodie Sweetin. She was the middle child on the tv series Full House and she had the stereotypical experience of a child who grew up on tv - drugs and just about everything else. I don't feel like she was making an excuse like some of them do, but there was still an element of that.

18. Twist of Faith, the story of Anne Beiler - the founder of Aunt Anne's pretzels by Anne Beiler. I'm also still reading this one, but it looks like it will be a fast read. (Edit: I finished this book and it was still March! I'm not impressed. I feel like she is a woman who had some bad circumstances - the loss of a child. And she made some bad choices for her life as a result. But the book feels almost like she was just glossing over her mistakes and while not blaming anyone else, it's almost like she's not really sorry even though she professes to be).

Otter is pretty much over the bug she had, she went back to school this morning. She is still sneezy and has some congestion, but her throat isn't sore and she's not hoarse. She really did NOT want to be sick on her birthday. Having been there myself, I have to say that I agree with her - it's not fun!

The neighbor's fence is finished, at least our side. They started it yesterday and got it finished sometime this afternoon. I think they still need to do her other side, but all we were concerned with was our side. We're going to take the temporary fence down that we rigged up Sunday evening to keep poochies in, probably this evening.

Not much else to talk about tonight. I'm going to pick up a birthday cake in the morning on the way to work and probably bring it home at lunch. And the young adult in the house will open presents in the morning. We couldn't talk her into waiting until tomorrow evening, for some reason.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have mostly been reading books on quilting and applique. One of my quilt projects is almost all applique.
This book is fantastic: Fun with the Family- Texas-all kinds of places to visit and neat trivia.
Another book: Off the Beaten Path- A guide to unique places-Oklahoma. In many ways a lot like the Texas book. If you get it check out p 46 about Elephant Rock Nature Park and 13-14 about Hominy and p12 -Tallgrass Praire Preserve. Froggy