Thursday, March 11, 2010

Kind of Boring Mid Week Stuff

It's been a quiet week. So I haven't blogged much. But I'm enjoying this quiet week. Boring can be good sometimes!
I haven't crocheted too much this week. I had intented to spend several hours yesterday afternoon/evening at it, but my back was bothering me after I unloaded a trunkload of groceries. Maybe this evening, I have a project I'm working on.

Today was nice, it was a little cool and breezy but the sun was out most of the day. I finally got some outside time in! I let the dogsters out in the back yard and then when Otter got home from school, we stayed out there with them for a while. We had discussed a bike ride or walking the dogs, but there is "something" in the air and we are both having mild allergy symptoms. So we decided to stay in the back yard so we could go inside when we needed to. The dogs had plenty of time to run around like headless chickens, which they did, and then Maggie Moo found a mole that had apparently been killed by one of them a while ago. It was totally flat. She was thinking about rolling on it, I could tell. So I tossed it over the back fence and then she went on to other things. Fraiser was very interested in the compost pile, which is mostly leaves & limbs at this point with a little ash from the last time I cleaned the fireplace. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a rodent (or several) living in it.

Otter's birthday celebration plans are firmed up. She's going to take a few of her friends to see the new Alice in Wonderland movie and then they are going to get pizza. I might have mentioned this before, so it may be a rerun. Whatever! Anyway, she is about to have a conniption fit (as Mom used to say) because she hasn't gotten to see the movie yet and everybody keeps trying to tell her about it.
Her actual birthday will be dinner with family, at the Hog Trough. (Golden Corral for those who are not related to my Dad!).

Tacos for dinner tonight! And refried beans. And Spanish Rice. Not Nuclear rice, I bought bagged rice - actually, it's called Mexican Rice. The difference between Mexican and Spanish in the brand I happened to grab is that Spanish has pasta with the rice. And also MSG, which I try to avoid (which is hard, it's in many things and has many names) because it is a migraine trigger for me. The Mexican rice is pasta-free but that's not a problem for us - although pasta does not belong in rice! Also, I'm making Whack-a-Mole to go with it.

And that's the extent of the excitement around my house tonight. We're just so exciting, I can't stand it! :)


Anonymous said...

we are having breakfast tacos for supper, Tomorrow we may be having 7 layer dip. I have to go get the Whack a mole tomorrow and olives.
It has been a very busy dtiring week for me. I have been up at 4 am every day this week. Tomorrow I AM SLEEPING IN!!!!! Froggy

Otter Mom said...

We never actually had the whack-a-mole. I didn't have enough time to make it, and I'm not sure if the avacados were really ready or not. So we had tacos, rice (with a lot of extra chili powder added by Otter) and beans. The whack-a-mole will probably be made Saturday afternoon when we need a snack.