Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday M & M's

It was fairly easy to find this picture.

Very easy, in fact. The M & M's were sitting on my kitchen counter! Now, they are in the freezer. Although there are not quite as many as there were when I took the picture! It was 5 1/4 pounds. Now, it's probably closer to 5 pounds but that still means that we've eaten a lot of them!

(We have a plastic container which we keep chocolate in, it is stored in the freezer. Bill's idea was to fill it up with M &M's).

I'm pretty sure that I will not have bluebonnets in the whiskey barrel this year. :( They came up at the wrong time of the year (December!) and froze before they could get to the blooming stage. So, no seeds were dropped. I've been checking daily, since there was still a chance (slim to none) but there haven't been any. Lowe's hasn't had them the last couple of years. We went to Lowe's this afternoon with Bill and we looked at their plants while we were there. They don't have much yet, it's still a little early. So, for the moment, the whiskey barrel just has weeds. I have mums in the front of the house, but I'm thinking about yanking them out as they are really too big for the spot I have them in. I might plant bluebonnet seeds in that spot next fall (worth a try anyway although I've never had much luck with growing them from seeds). In the meantime, I have pretty much decided that I still want mums. Just in a different place. Like the whiskey barrel. Mums are pretty hard to kill, they don't require much care and are very easy to grow. I just haven't seen any plants yet, but like I said - it's still early. I think I want a different color mum this time. I had white ones at my house in Texas, Dad got them for me - they had been on the stage when the Pope was in SA and he always joked about how they were blessed. I had lavenderish ones at our old house, and the ones I have here are rust colored. Anybody got any suggestions? (Besides A & M maroon!). I have always loved mums and I still do, I'm just ready for a change in color.

I bought several packets of morning glory seeds, in various colors. The ones that we have always had are a georgeous blue color and we just love them. But I want a little variety in them. The blue ones haven't started coming up yet, but they will soon enough. We are going to continue installing trellis pieces on the privacy fence in back, we got some up last year and the morning glory vines covered them up in no time. The idea is to have trellis all along the fence, it will be covered with vines and will look like the fence is just green plants with flowers. It was really pretty last year.

Otter is thinking she wants to do some container gardening this year. We've grown herbs in pots before and had pretty good luck, she might go that route. Or she might grow peppers. We've had strawberries before and they are fun, but we didn't have very good luck with them last year so we probably will not have them this year.

The tulips look great, there are more than we thought and a couple of them have buds already. They were such a wonderful surprise! And the iris plants are doing very well in the back yard. They never died down from last year, so I was never able to dig up any to move, but that's fine with me. And probably fine with Otter, I don't think she enjoys the process of digging up and replanting irises!

Spring Break this week. Otter has her annual lung recheck at the allergist's tomorrow. I don't anticipate any problems, she's been doing really well. But she has to go get checked each year and also have what is known as a pulmonary function test - Froggy, you are probaby familiar with that one. It's not fun. But it's necessary.

I'm having difficulty breathing myself at the moment. But it's because of a certain very large & furry dog that is sleeping on the floor beside me! Not sure what he ate, but it was probably pretty bad because he stinks! Think maybe I'll go find one of the face masks Bill uses when he's working in the garage with the chemicals he used on one of his projects. Or maybe I'll just open a window and hang Frasier's behind out of it!

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