Monday, March 15, 2010

Marvelous Monday!

Otter had her annual lung recheck this morning. The doctor was very impressed with her progress, he told her to keep doing what she's doing and said that he'd see her in a year. Which is the best scenario possible. Her pulmonary function test was very good, her peak flow reading was very high and all indications are that asthma is behaving - and hopefully, will keep behaving.

After work, we went by to see Miss Dorothy. Otter hadn't seen her for a few weeks. Miss Dorothy is doing so well that it's hard to believe that she was so desperately injured & sick just under a year ago. She walks as well as, if not better than, she did before she broke her hip. And her other health issues that were discovered as a result of the hospitalization have cleared up. As usual, I had to practically drag Otter out the door when it was time to leave. She'd have liked to stay and I think that Miss Dorothy would have let her!

I had to bribe her with a trip to the book store to get her to leave.

I'm pretty tired tonight. I didn't sleep too well last night for some reason. Bill didn't sleep too well, either. Of course, his reason might have something to do with the fact that I was restless - he claims that he was awakened by my hand landing on his face. But I'm denying responsibility. After all, if I was asleep it shouldn't count!

I did manage to get a little crochet time in when we got home. I have a project I'm working on that I'm getting closer to being finished with, but I'm not quite there yet. Not too long, though. I might get a little more done on it this evening.

Froggy, please send me Mom's apple pie recipe! I don't have it. I thought I did, but somehow I missed it when I was collecting her recipes.

And now I'm off to surf the 'net for a little while. Then I'll probably crochet. Big surprise, I know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will email the recipe. Congratulations to Otter on the great checkup.