Monday, March 01, 2010

Kinda Boring Monday Stuff

I think it's trying to be winter again today. It was supposed to be in the high 40's. I don't know what the temperature was, but I don't think it got past the mid-40's. It was windy and kind of cold. Have I mentioned how ready I am for spring? (Just not spring storms). Well, it's nearly here.

Froggy, I have a question. When did you learn to crochet? I know you knit now and when/how you started. But I know that you did crochet some in the past and a few years ago you mentioned you and KN#3 attempting it. I'm wondering when you learned. I learned in 6th grade and taught Mom. I know she taught JediMom, although I don't know if JediMom actually did much of it beyond learning to chain. I did attempt to teach Otter several years ago, but she just wasn't into it. She did try, she just didn't like it. Which is fine, we all have different gifts. Otter can draw really well, I can barely make stick figures. But I do love to crochet. And I'll probably be working on it some this evening.

Bill's working tonight. He hasn't had to handle the sound for a school board meeting in years. But he is tonight, the regular guy had today off so it's Billyboy's turn. So dinner is what we call F & F (Hungry? Want dinner? Then Fix it & Find out what it is.) I had a can of nearly fat-free ravioli. It wasn't a gourmet meal! I don't think Otter's quite gotten to the point of actually wanting dinner yet. But I never had lunch today, I was running errands and never took the time to actually eat so I was starving pretty much as soon as I got home today. When I talked to Bill just now, he said he had stopped and got a corndog but that he'd really like it if I put a sandwich in the fridge for him. I don't think the corndog had much nutritional value to it!

Otter has finally figured out what she wants to do for her birthday. She's going to invite some of her friends to the Alice in Wonderland movie that is about to open. I think I'll just drop them at the theater this time, I don't necessarily want to see this particular movie but might later - it's got Johnny Depp in it, so I think it's a safe bet to say that the dvd will become part of Otter's collection the second it comes out! After the movie, I'll pick them all up and take them to Cici's Pizza buffet. I might stay for that part of it! Bill might not, he doesn't think he can handle a bunch of teenage girls all at once and still maintain some sanity. Not that he has much, but he'd like to hang on to what sanity he does have. :) Otter's movie/dinner "party" will probably be mid-March, right after Spring Break. Then on her actual birthday, we'll probably do the family dinner like we usually do. She still hasn't figured out what she wants for her birthday in terms of a gift, so it might not actually happen until after her birthday - she's having difficulty deciding what to ask for since some things (like a car) are simply not going to happen. She'll figure it out, eventually. Maybe we'll just put a bow on Maggie Moo and call it good. Oh that's right, Maggie was her birthday present 4 years ago. So I guess we had better come up with another idea.

OK, I've wasted enough time for one evening. Crochet awaits!


Anonymous said...

I don't know when I learned to crochet. I know it was after many crocheted coat hangers were made.
i know that I learned to chain and I think I learned to make Granny Squares. I seem to have forgotten most of it. I still knit some, but I need to retake the class again. I don't know if I will or not. I would rather quilt. Kid 3 is into embroidery, sewing and quilting.
For Otter's bday-you can't regive her a gift that you gave her 4 years ago. You need a new idea.
We are having Chicken Fajitas today. I am hungry for pancakes again, maybe tomorrow for supper.

Otter Mom said...

Well, if you don't start knitting again then you can use the bag I crocheted for you for your quilting stuff!
I'm glad that Kid 3 likes embroidery, etc., so few people do these days.