Thursday, July 05, 2012

Kind of Tired on Thursday

I'm tired, but mostly because we stayed up too late last night.  Watching Godzilla movies!  We are big fans of old movies, and I especially like the B-Movies of the 50's - especially Sci-Fi.  Godzilla is sort of sci-fi.  It was fun, they are silly and not especially good movies, but that makes them more fun.

We also watched fireworks.  There are two or three big displays that we can see from our back deck, and some of our neighbors also had fireworks.  Big stuff.  We didn't have any this year, Otter and Bill never could decide if they wanted any or not.  But we all enjoyed watching the ones we could see last night.

I'm also tired because I've been running almost from the moment I got up this morning.  I needed to get orange juice and a couple of things, so I went to Wally shortly after breakfast.  While I was there, I bought 3 skeins of a really pretty red yarn that Otter fell in love with yesterday.  There is a reason I call her my Chief Enabler!  She really liked this yarn and encouraged me to buy it.  But I'm trying to de-stash and not buy unless I have a specific need for it.  Which I didn't.  At the time, anyway.  Otter kept talking about it last night, and then she finally just came right out and told me she wanted a scarf & hat out of it.  So, I added it to my list this morning.  I don't normally like red that much - it's a clash situation with redheads - but this is a beautiful color.

After I got home, Bill wanted to go to a hardware store.  Otter and I went along with him.  What was going to be one, maybe two stops turned into 3 stores but would have been 5 if the other two were open!

We brought Billyboy home, then Otter and I got our shopping trip started.  We went to three local antique/junk/craft/flea market type stores.  They are all on one street, and it was fun.  We don't get to go to two of them very often because they have odd hours.  We also went to the post office while we were there, but it was on the same street.  I didn't find anything, but Otter got a few things.  It was still fun.

But it was so good to get home and get my shoes off!  My feet hurt.  Can't imagine why.


Anonymous said...

shopped till you dropped

Otter Mom said...

And then we shopped some more! Bill needed to get something at Hobby Lobby, so I went with him. And remembered something I needed, so it was a shopping trip for both of us. Otter stayed home, so she was really tired if she passed up a trip to Hobby Lobby!