Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Been A Few Days!

So I thought I'd better get something posted.  Before Froggy gets on me, that is.  Not that she's able to do much of that, considering that she had her teeth extracted yesterday and got her dentures fitted.

Now, we're a matching set!  All three of us have inherited our mother's teeth, which means that they were never good and got worse.  So, at different times we all went the plastic route.  Although Toadles is still the champ:  he's the only one who can pop his upper out at will to terrify small children!  He's offered to give Froggy lessons.  I think she should take him up on the offer.

I've been trying to post pictures, but blogger has apparently changed the procedure again.  And didn't tell anybody.  Again!  I'll figure it out, but probably not tonight.  Too tired!

Otter and Bill are watching the 2nd Iron Man movie at the moment.  The first one was on earlier, we saw the end of it.  I think that whatever station it is, since I forgot which one, is running all the Avengers movies again.  Fine with us!  (Although my favorite is still Captain America - sorry, Otter!)  (Otter's favorite is Iron Man.)

I haven't had much crochet time lately.  I didn't even attempt it on Saturday.  I've been dealing with a not-so-slight case of Redhead Anemia and I spent most of Saturday attempting to stay warm.  It wasn't a particularly cold day, not even cold enough for a fire in fact.  But I spent most of my day on the couch with 3 or 4 blankets covering me, as well as one (or sometimes two) furry foot warmers.  I've increased the amount of protein & iron I eat over the last few days and I feel much better although I'm still getting cold easily.  However, I noticed Bill carrying a bunch of blankets to the couch just now.  I think he might have "only" had three.  I'm pretty sure that I had four, so I win!  :)

I did get some crochet done, on Sunday.  Not much but it was enough to count.  I am working on the turquoise shawl project again.  I'm still not sure if I'm going to finish it to my size or not.  It's small gauge yarn and it seems like no matter how many rows I put on, it doesn't get any bigger!  I think I put two or three rows on it Sunday but it didn't look like it to me.

OK, that's it for tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes I would have nagged you but I was to busy having oral surgery.