Sunday, January 27, 2013

OK Froggy. I Blogged. Are You Happy Now?

(Sorry Froggy!  Couldn't resist.)  (Ducking for cover now.)

I originally was going to title this "Sunday Discoveries" but I've already used that title before.  Also, I'm kind of getting away from just a "Sunday" post and just posting whatever whenever.  But I did make a discovery today and it is Sunday, so I probably could have re-used that title.

But I like the one I used better!!! :)

Anyway.  My discovery today.  It's a new allergy.  Or, more correctly, it's one I didn't know I have because I've never been exposed to the allergen until today.  Acai berry.  Otter and I went to the mall for a little while and we stopped at Teavana.  Which might be a required stop, at least if you ask Otter.  We like to sample the different teas they have and they are usually good.  The people that work there are more than willing to go read the labels if I ask about specific ingredients and they don't know, usually lavender is the big one that I'm liable** to come across there.  Kiwi is one of my other big triggers, but it's not in too many things that Teavana would have.  I tried a new tea sample today and it was very good.  She read me the list of ingredients prior to tasting it, and it didn't have anything I really needed to worry about.  At least, that I knew about.  The only thing it had in it that was new was Acai.  About 10 or 15 minutes later, I realized that I was itchy.  And had been for about 5 or 10 minutes.  After about 10 more minutes, I remembered the tea sample and that it had acai berry in it.  When my allergic reaction is a skin reaction, it can last an hour or several hours - depending on how much of the offending substance I've had.  I don't think that I had much at all, but it lasted about an hour and a half.  So it's a fairly strong allergy.  I did some research, and apparently the main allergic reaction is hives - which is the more correct term for the reaction I had.  It has a pattern to follow, as it works it's way through my system.  I'm mostly not itchy now, but there is still some residual itchiness.  I'm just past the point of wanting to scratch all my skin off!  Guess that's one more thing I'll need to watch for.  Acai is promoted as a superfood, but it really doesn't do anything like it's marketed to do anyway.

We also went to an estate sale while we were out but we didn't find anything.

I've been working on UFO's, which I think I've mentioned a few times.  Yesterday, I kind of finished one.  I say "kind of" because it's the scrap yarn pillow cover and I've used all the scrap pieces I have as of now.  The pillow cover isn't quite finished, but I'm out of small pieces so I have to wait until I have more to be able to actually finish it.  But I did at least cross it off my list, for the moment.  Otter, my Chief Enabler, did attempt to get me to buy more yarn in Wallyworld earlier.  It's a  beautiful variegated color, purples and greens mostly.  She tried really hard, but I resisted.  She thinks it will make a wonderful something for a relative (no, Froggy I don't mean you.  For once!  But let me know if you want something.) but until I have an actual project, I'm not going to get it.  I was in my yarn drawers yesterday and at least two of them are filled to probably beyond capacity.  But it's a spring yarn, it's new in the store and it will be there for a long while.  So if I do come up with a project, I shouldn't have any problem getting it.  But I really, really need to de-stash a little (OK, a lot) before I go buy anymore yarn.  I was thinking about Chemo Caps, but they need to be a soft yarn since they are designed to be worn by women with hair loss due to chemo.  I have quite a bit of soft yarn, but it's smaller amounts and not necessarily enough to make a cap out of any one particular color.  Except for one full skein in lavender which I will probably use for it, but the colors I have don't necessarily lend themselves to being put together.  I might see what I can do about making multi-colored hats, but I'm really not sure if any of the yarns I have will work together and it's not just because of my color match inability.

Yesterday was our 28th Wedding Anniversary.  We made pizza, which was a lot of fun and also very good.  I made a pecan pie Friday evening so we could have it yesterday - it's like molten lava when it first comes out of the oven and it stays that way for hours so I make it the night before I want to have it.

Bill's sniffly.  He's probably having allergies but he wasn't feeling too good this morning so we didn't attempt church.  We didn't go the last 2 weeks because I was sick and we didn't go today - Pastor Dave probably thinks we've gone back to TEXAS!  The trees are starting to bud out and I've seen bugs, and that is always a good indication of things blooming.  Which means allergy season is starting early - not that it ever really ended from last year.

**Liable.  In the TEXAN language, it means likely to.  Also, the "i" is just barely pronounced and the "a" is emphasized slightly and more like "ah" than "aye."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary a day late.
You should have listened to Otter and bought the yarn. She does a good job getting you to buy yard. Keep up the good work.
I finished 2 items over the holidays- 1 is a Christmas wall hanging and the other 1 I started after Christmas and finished before my oral surgery. It was a spurs quilt/comforter for Kid1.
I am still working on Crazy Uncles quilt. I may still be working on it this time next year. The quilting is going very slowly and there is a lot of quilting.

You should duck after the title.