Wednesday, January 02, 2013


The benifit of working three days this week is that Friday will be here sooner!

That's always a good thing.

It was a brutal 19 degrees this morning when I left.  By the time I got to the gas station (absolutely the most important stop or I wouldn't have gone anywhere!), it had risen to about 20 degrees.  Big improvement, huh!

Our phones are fixed.  Otter and Bill were home today and I was able to schedule the service call for today.  Anwhere between 8:00 and 5:00, they couldn't be any more specific.  But it was (as usual) a short or break in the line, on their side, and probably caused by the rain/wet/cold we've had lately.  I'm not really sure how long the phone was out.  The last time I remember with any certainty is Friday morning.  I'm not honestly sure if we used it after that.  But it's fixed now.  Until the next time!

I'm a tad bit on the tired side.  I woke up just after 4:00 this morning.  I decided to just get up, until I looked at the clock and saw what time it was.  I went back to bed and attempted to go back to sleep, but after about 20 minutes I gave up and got up.  Bill got up around 5:00, I was hoping he'd at least get to sleep in a bit.  But he got up and we had coffee, then I had plenty of time before I had to leave for work.

Work wasn't too bad, I'm already pretty much caught up.  But I think Otter is beginning to feel housebound.  Bill had to run an errand today, but somebody had to be home in case the phone repair guy showed up so she was the lucky one.  Then he didn't get here until well after Bill got back, but the upshot is that she's been home all day (horrors!) and didn't get to go anywhere.  As opposed to nearly every day for the last week & a half, when we went somewhere just about every day - and several of those days involved shopping!  I think I'll be ready to hit the library tomorrow, so she'll at least get to get out of the house then.  She's so deprived.  (Right.)

I did manage to get about 5 rows on my afghan last night.  Not sure if I'm going to crochet tonight or not, I attempted to rip my right thumbnail off today when I smashed my hand into the side of my computer at work.  It wasn't fun!  And it's kind of on the painful side, so I'm going to hit the "publish" button and get this posted.

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