Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday Flu Report

I've still got it, which is probably not a surprise.

I am better, but I am now coughing my head off.  Which is probably also not a surprise, seeing how the flu attacks some of the same areas that asthma does.  The coughing is actually a good thing, because it means that I'm clearing my lungs.  The other choice is to not cough, which can then lead to all sorts of nasty things when you have asthma.

I called in this morning, I was and am still very tired.  I spent several hours on the couch this morning, with a blanket, beagle foot warmer and my yarn & hook in my hand.  Although I didn't actually crochet very much, mostly I just sat and relaxed.  Frasier isn't being ignored, he came and checked on me several times and got a lot of attention, he's just not into crawling under blankets and sleeping which is apparently one of the highlights of Maggie Moo's life!

Bill needed to go to Hobby Lobby for something, so I went with him and Otter also went along for the ride.  We also went to the Post Office to clear the PO box, and to the library so Otter could restock for the weekend.  None of those were particularly strenuous stops, but I was tired to start with and am now more tired.  But it was nice to get out for a little bit, maybe an hour and a half total.  But I think that I'm probably done with any running around until Monday morning, when I should (hopefully!) be able to make it back to work and actually stay all day.

Until then, I'll just be lazy.

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