Friday, January 11, 2013


I have something that might be a cold, probably isn't allergy, could well be strep throat OR could be something else:  flu.  I did get the shot last fall, but the main version of the flu that is going around my area is one that was not in the shot because the experts didn't think it would be the dominant strain.

Last night, I was talking to Bill and literally in the second between one sentence and another - I lost my voice.  Well, it's still there.  But it's rough & rusty!  Literally fine one second, then the next I wasn't.  I had been having some congestion and stuffiness during the day, but not anything bad.  My throat was suddenly dry and I also realized later that it was sore.  I went to bed last night hoping that it would be better by this morning.  It wasn't.  I was also beginning to feel icky.  I got to work and got several things done, then the teenager got there about 10:00 and started lecturing me about going home.  I gave in about 10:30 and left.  I had an errand that couldn't wait, so I picked Otter up and we got it done.  I got her in case I started to feel worse and a) decided not to be the driver or b) decided I needed to go to the doctor in which case a) might still apply.

At one point, I was seriously wondering if I might be coming down with the flu because I was having some mild aches.  But I also have tendonitis and it was my arms, so I decided to just watch it for a while.  Now, I'm not achy and I can talk a little better sometimes.  But I've had a headache off and on.  My throat feels a little better, but I've been pouring down liquids and I'm also taking motrin.  At this moment, I think it's probably "just" a bug that's going around but I'm going to keep a close eye on things just in case.

My Saturday plans include parking on the couch for several hours and probably crocheting.  Not much different than most Saturday activities, actually!

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