Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Sick & Tired

of being Sick & Tired!

I went to work this morning but I realized pretty much as soon as I walked into the door that I was pushing it a bit.  I managed to stay until shortly before 11:00, after spending 2+ hours dealing with a 96-year old teenager!  I got him organized, at least for a bit, and managed to get more done than I thought I would before I gave up and left.

I had to put a little air in the tire this morning on the way in (19 degrees!), then when I left work my first stop was at the tire place to get the low tire checked.  I thought it probably was a nail that I'd picked up, seeing as how there is so much construction going on behind us and we drive back there frequently to see how close they are getting to us.  Turns out, it wasn't a nail at all.  IT WAS A WOOD SCREW!  What does Billyboy use to put his machine cabinets together with and to hold parts of the pachinko machines together?  If you guessed wood screws, you'd be right. :)  I'm sure he'll deny all knowledge, but I have a more than slight suspicion that I picked it up in my own driveway.  But, it's fixed at least.  Took about 15 minutes to get it taken care of, then I continued on my journey home.  Once I got home, I had some soup for lunch and am taking it easy for the rest of the day.

Blogger still isn't letting me post pictures, I think that I need to contact the webmaster and see what is going on.

I'm still not sure if I've been dealing with the flu or not, I did call my doctor and they gave me the rundown on strep throat symptoms, but I don't meet any of them.  I have had just enough flu symptoms that it's a possiblity, but not necessarily.  I think that flu is the most likely culprit, especially given how long it's taking me to get over this.  But I'm still having issues with my throat and voice, which wouldn't still be going on with flu.  So, who knows?  But, I am better - not well by any stretch of the imagination.  But better.  I'm thinking that I'm probably going to make it all day at work tomorrow, I have some things that have to be done on a timely basis.

In the meantime, I'll keep resting and doing what I've been doing:  Not much of anything!  Besides crochet when I feel like it, and following the dog's example in laziness.  They seem to have that down to a fine art.


Anonymous said...

I vote for flu. It is taking to long for this to be anything else.
Enjoy resting with the dogs and crocheting as you feel like it.

Otter Mom said...

I'm spending a lot of time on the couch, with a blanket. Which brings a beagle running, so then I have a foot warmer. And yes, my yarn & hooks are either in my hand or in reach. It is the flu, there are a bajillion people in the Tulsa-ish area with it and with similar symptoms, many got the flu shot but it didn't keep it from hitting. Although I do think I have a lighter case of it than if I hadn't gotten the shot. I'm just tired of it.