Sunday, January 13, 2013

Just Sunday

It's cold, although it looks warm.  It was supposed to be in the 50's yesterday and then get cold last night with the possiblity of winter weather.  It started out warm yesterday morning, but it didn't stay that way very long.  It got cold, fast.  By mid-afternoon, it was below freezing.  We had firewood inside already, so we started a fire and kept it going until about bedtime last night.  It was rainy most of the afternoon and very windy.  It was well below freezing last night.  As a result, it was icy this morning and we had a little snow overnight.  Not even enough to coat the ground, but it did cover the deck a bit.  It melted off pretty quick, it's sunny but it is still very cold.

I didn't really want to get out, but we had to return the movie we rented on Friday so we got the car defrosted and de-iced and got ready to go.  Only to discover that the tire I've been watching for the last few days was pretty low.  Bill's compressor bit the dust a while back and the parts to repair it haven't arrived yet, so I had to drive it to the nearest convenience store that has air.  Which was about 3 1/2 miles awy.  I put air in the tire (it was very cold!) and then we got our errands done.  I've been watching it for about a week because I suspected it might have a slow leak and it apparently does.  I'll see how it is in the morning, it's going to need to be checked and fixed but I'm not sure if I'm going to work tomorrow or not so I don't know if I'm actually going to be going anywhere.  The movie had to be returned today, and we also went to the post office to mail a couple of things.  We stopped at Michael's, because I'm working on etsy stuff and they had the cotton yarn I needed on sale.  Also, Otter had a bunch of books to turn in at the used book store so I figured that we'd better get it all done while we could, in case the tire needed to be fixed today.  But it held up and got us home, it's still ok but I'll check it in the morning.

While we were at the book store, Otter also picked up a job application.  Because she's made her decision and she will not be going back to school at this time.  She intends to work for a while and then maybe at a later date she might go back.  But not now.

I'm feeling better.  But not 100% yet.  I was seriously concerned on Friday night that I might have the flu, but the muscle aches I had went away and I never developed fever.  I spent most of yesterday on the couch with a couple of blankets and I got a UFO finished.  I started working on my turquoise shawl a while back and then it got put aside for other projects.  I started back on it and after I'd done several rows I realized that I was using the wrong hook, smaller than the one I started with.  The stitches were a little bit smaller but not enough to really notice so I decided to just keep going with the 2nd hook.  It's a small-gauge yarn and very silky, but it took a lot more rows and a long time because of the yarn size.  At one point, I was about ready to just call it finished and toss it in the etsy or donate pile, because it was taking me forever and I really was tired of putting a row on it and then not being able to tell that it had grown any.  I got it out last week and decided to go ahead and finish it, and I did that yesterday.  It looks good, it's a very soft yarn and I am anxious to wear it but I'm not in a hurry to make anything else with that yarn for a while!  I will get pictures on the craft blog soon, I need to get my official photographer to take pictures for me but she's occupied with something in her room at the moment.

Anyway, I started the last paragraph out about the fact that I don't have the flu or at least I don't think I do.  I have been resting as much as I can, today's errands were not that long.  We were probably gone about an hour, they were quick and the video store was not something we could put off since I didn't want to pay an extra day on the movie.  I just figured that we should get all our stuff done while we were out, but I really didn't feel like doing much.  I am able to talk, but my voice comes & goes.  I had a sinus-type headache most of yesterday morning but it finally went away.  I am having some mild asthma symptoms, but they are not too bad.  I'm not sure yet about tomorrow as far as work goes, I'll see how I feel.  I'm just glad that it doesn't seem to be the flu.

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