Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Red Head Drawbacks and Other Stuff

One of of the drawbacks (bad side effects) to being a redhead is what is known as the "Red Head Curse" and it has a lot of different facets.  One of the issues is the issue known as Red Head Anemia.  I've been dealing with it lately.  I can always tell when my iron level is low and it certainly is at the moment.  I'm actually better than I was a couple of days ago, but I'm still feeling tired and draggy.  I'm not as cold as I was, but it's always going to be a fact of life for me that I get cold easily.  It's just worse sometimes, and this is one of those times.

Not that I particularly enjoy them, but there are times when I wish I could schedule a hot flash!

One of the side-effects of low iron/anemia, no matter the reason for it, is not sleeping well.  I have had a few nights with that but I've had two good nights in a row so I'm hopeful that I'm nearly over this go-round.  I've eaten a lot more protein/iron rich foods the last few days and I think it's making a difference.  I'm still a little paler than usual although I don't think that I've had much of a problem with that this time.

Oh well, it's one of the trade-offs that come with the great benefit of the hair color.  Not much I can do about it, so I'll just do what I always do:  put up with it.

Other stuff:  Otter and I went to the library tonight and literally got more books than we could easily carry.

The dogsters go to the vet tomorrow afternoon.  Along with the normal rear-squash for Maggie Moo, they both need shots and I'm also having them checked for heart worms since they've been off the preventive for a few months and while we're at it, the vet is also going to do a "regular" worm check because I have some suspicions about Maggie Moo.

Otter's still got her difficult decision to make, as regards continuing her college education.  She's seriously leaning towards not going back to school and trying to get a job.  But she hasn't completely made up her mind yet.  I think that's where she stands, at least for now.

I've been fighting allergy symptoms for a couple of days now.  I'm really beginning to suspect the beginning of another sinus infection, but it's still to early to tell.  Sometimes, my allergy symptoms will mimic one so I have to wait a bit before I head in to the doctor.  It might "just" be allergy, I'll know in a day or so.

Of course, a lot of today's issues were caused by the 2 1/2 onions that I chopped up this morning and put in the freezer!  It was so bad in the kitchen that the dogs wouldn't even go in there, and that's saying something because they don't seem to mind very much in the way of smells!  I also started soup this morning, Otter watched it for me all day and stirred it as needed.  The dogs were right in there with her, apparently they liked the smell of soup cooking better than onion armageddon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know more about the red head curse than I ever wanted to. Froggy