Monday, April 14, 2008

Allergy Central!

I have been fighting off allergy symptoms since sometime yesterday. It started with the tickly feeling I get on the roof of my mouth, so I knew that it was coming. Last night I was sneezy and stuffy, then today is worse. It's been gradually getting worse all day and I think I'm going to take benadryl after dinner. At which point I will probably be snoozing! Benadryl, and just about all of them, knock me out but then after a couple of doses they have the opposite effect on me so I try not to take anything if I can avoid it.
Spring is late this year, so my allergies are also late. Or maybe Spring was just early the last few years and so it seems late this year. Whatever the reason, I am not enjoying it right now!

Froggy commented about our Aunt Jessie teaching her to sew but not remembering much of what she learned. I'm in the same boat, Froggy. I did take sewing lessons in Home Ec when I was in 6th grade, but I still don't remember much about it. I bought a book that I highly recommend: Sewing for Dummies. Otter wants to learn and I've shown her about as much as I can remember. But that's not much. The book is for both of us, and I've looked at it some but I need to just block out a few hours to read it and then set the machine up and practice.

I have the machine that Aunt Jessie made most of our clothing on, I haven't used it much lately because it needs some work. I prefer to keep it as a sentimental item, but I might go ahead and get it checked. I bought a newer machine a couple of years ago, and my Texas mother-in-law gave me one that had been her mother-in-law's machine. So that makes three that we have, so I really don't have any excuses for not sewing more. I did try to find lessons last year, I only found one place that actually offered them and they weren't even sure if they would have any more at all - but since they never called me in the fall when the classes were possibly going to be offered, I guess that they didn't have them after all.

Froggy, you were asking where we should go when you visit me this summer. You've already suggested Braums, which I intend to hit more than once. Woolaroc and Hominy are already on the schedule, flea markets have been mentioned as well as thrift stores. It's going to be a busy few days! Main Street is somewhere that we really need to go. Main Street in my small town, lots of fun shops. Since you'll be here over a few weekdays, we should be able to manage Main Street. I'm sure we'll find a few more places.
Otter is learning to embroider. She started on a couple of easy cross-stitch kits last week, not counted cross because I can't do it so I can't teach her! She has plans to decorate her jeans with embroidery, which I think sounds like fun. Anybody besides me remember the chambray shirts which were popular in the late 70's? They were pretty big in S. Texas, I don't know if it was just there or not. But they were embroidered on, I still have mine somewhere. Mom and Aunt Jessie decorated them and I think we all took part. I've always enjoyed embroidery and I think that Otter will enjoy it as well.
I am suffering from a serious case of allergy brain, so I've forgotten what else I wanted to mention. If I think of it, I'll add it on later. But I probably won't even remember what I posted here after I take my benadryl!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sewing Lessons-does the school district offer continuing ed classes? the one here does and some of theirs are sewing and embroidery-cross and counted cross. There may also be fabric/yarn stores that offer these.
I still have my embroidered shirt, it is hanging in my closet.
Don''t forget Woolaroc(sp), Main Street sounds like fun. Froggy