Tuesday, April 08, 2008


And happy about it! Most rejections are not anything to be happy about, but I am happy about this one. It was for jury service.

I had jury duty starting yesterday, I was called for a jury panel of 45 people and it was a murder trial. Out of the 45 people, they drew 12 names as the first potential jurors. I was the 7th of the 12. The defense and prosecuting attorneys did their standard questioning period and then they started rejecting people and calling new names from the remainder of the 45 potentials. All afternoon yesterday and all this morning, various people in the jury box were rejected and the questions process started over for them. Occasionally, there would be a question directed at one of the people who were already questioned. It was a case involving a stabbing, and I know someone who was stabbed. I thought that the defense might reject me because of that. But then today the defense attorney asked us about weapons and if we felt like we would be able to defend ourselves, should the need arise. Which I would do. At that point, the defense attorney stopped rejecting people and I was pretty sure that I was going to be on the final jury. However, after that question the prosecuting attorney started rejecting people who said that they a) had weapons and b) would defend themselves. And I was the absolute LAST potential juror to be rejected. I went back down to the basement where the jury room is, and about 30 minutes later the rest of the potential jurors that hadn't been chosen and questioned came back down. That's when I found out that I was the final one rejected. Shortly after that, the jury clerk announced that all juries were seated for the week and that we were done. So I don't have to go back tomorrow!

I honestly feel that I could have been impartial, but I also feel that for a person to get to the point of an actual trial that there must be at least some solid evidence of his guilt - although it could well be self-defense as opposed to actual murder. But even so, I'm glad that I don't have to render a verdict that could well put a person in prison for the rest of his life. Especially when he didn't look like had a very long life up to this point, he looked like he was maybe 20 years old.

So, on to other things. Fun things. Such as Nana's visit! We had a great time, and I think she did too. I know that Otter certainly enjoyed it! But we do wish that she could have stayed longer. But we were able to have a lot of visiting time, and Bill got to spend yesterday with his mom which he really enjoyed and needed to do.

We had "interesting" weather about 3:00 this morning. Of the noisy, bright flashy variety. And it had hail in it. It sounded like the hail was pretty big, and Bill will have to check the roof. There are 3 spots on the car, one is a pretty big ding and is from the hailstorm, the other two might be but they also might be from December's tree limb that fell on the car. We had very little sleep from that point on, I think I got about 30 minutes sleep after that and I needed a LOT of coffee this morning! So did everyone else at jury duty, so I wasn't the only one groggy.

At least the trees got watered! The tulips look ok, one of them looks like it might have taken a hit from a hailstone but they seem to have come through pretty good. Bill was going to drive by the rent house today, hopefully it won't have any roof damage.

I'm going to go put my feet up now, my plantar fasciatis is not doing good today at all. I've worn my boots for the last two days and have had to be on it more. But the boots are the best shoes I have that were dressy enough to wear to comply with the jury duty dress code, I've been wearing my tennis shoes mostly to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad you got off jury duty.

Let everybody wait on you for a change.