Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Day 3. Coughing, Sneezing, Sore Throat.

I've been home the last two days, I took my benadryl Monday night and then spent most of the night tossing & turning. So no more benadryl for me! Usually I can take a couple of doses of it before it has that effect on me, but not this time. So I'm been toughing it out since then.

I started to feel a lot worse Monday evening, and then Tuesday morning I felt even worse than that. So I called in and went back to bed. Where I stayed all morning. I got up around noon and found some soup, then I spent the rest of the day on the couch. I was afraid that if I went back to bed, I would fall asleep again and then not be able to sleep last night. But I didn't sleep very well last night anyway, mostly because of the cough. Today has been a rerun, although I think I feel a little bit better this afternoon. My throat is still sore but it doesn't feel as raw as it was yesterday. I have had more of a sinus-type headache today, I've been taking advil for it and it has helped some. I'm going to attempt to go to work tomorrow. Maybe I'll actually be able to talk, it's still pretty difficult today and I sound very rough when I do manage to speak! But I have some things that I have got to get done at work so I will at least make the attempt. Whether or not I manage to stay all day is another question.

Otter had a little bit of scratchy throat symptoms last night but she'd been out in the back yard practicing karate and it was pretty windy. She was fine this morning, so I'm hoping that we've dodged that particular bullet.

The doves have come back, I guess that they were just off finding new materials to add to the nest when we thought that they were gone. Mama dove is back in place and has hardly moved, we can't tell if there are eggs yet because of the location but we will be able to see later on if there are babies. The doves have a good spot, it is protected from rain and wind. We can see the nest when we look out of one of the bedroom windows.

Froggy asked about sewing lessons, etc. at Otter's school. She is in what it called an intermediate high school, which means that 9th & 10th grades are in one school and then 11th & 12th grades are considered to be senior high school. There are two intermediates, one north and one south. Just one senior school. There might be something at the senior school, Otter had to be bussed over there when she was in debate the first semester of this year and she said that she saw a room with sewing machines. But that's still over a year away and she wants to learn now. Possibly this Saturday we might get one of the machines out and practice a little bit.

Wal-Mart announced many months ago that they were going to discontinue their fabric department. They got some complaints, then they announced that they would not actually discontinue the department but that it might be a little smaller. However, from what I've seen at more than one Wallyworld in my area, they are not just shrinking the department. They are slowly discounting everything and the amount of clearance is now larger than the regular priced fabric & accessories. And the regular priced stuff is a lot cheaper than it was. Also, it doesn't look like anything at all is being replaced as it's sold out. So I think that they are doing what they originally said, but that they are just being quiet about it. It's pretty obvious. There are not a lot of fabric related stores left, just a few and they seem to be the pricier, more home-decor type stores for the most part. One fabric store in the Tulsa area closed last summer, there's just a couple of them left.
Froggy, the flea market that we went to at the fair grounds might not work out. The board that manages the fair grounds has been trying to kick it out for a while, part of their general mis-management of anything that does not bring in a bunch of $$ or that is not owned by a certain family! The flea market is still hanging in and trying, but it is not always open every weekend now. If it's still there, we will absolutely go. But if not, we'll still have the other flea market (where you got your very stylish hat that your children just love) and there are plenty of thrift stores. And Hominy, Woolaroc and of course Braums! I'm sure we'll have plenty to do to keep us occupied. Maggie says for you to hurry up and come see her, she'll even share bed space with you again! Frasier just says come see him soon.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Oh, I do hate allergies! I hope you get to feeling better soon!!
