Thursday, April 17, 2008

It Just Keeps Getting Better and Better!

I managed to sleep a little bit last night, not a lot but more than the night before. I coughed a lot though. But I got up and managed to head into work this morning, I even went in early. I got there about 7:15 and got busy. At 8:00, my cell phone rings and the caller id shows that it's Otter. Which is never a good thing, if she's calling me during the school day.

It seems that she is her father's daughter! When she was walking, ok running, to the school bus this morning she tripped. She didn't completely fall, but she did go forward pretty far. She managed to catch herself by sticking her foot out so that she didn't hit the ground. When she came back up with a jerk, her neck started hurting on the right side. She thought it was just a crick in her neck so she went ahead and got on the bus. (In the Texan dictionary, crick is an actual word. It can mean a sore neck or what non-Texans refer to as a creek.) Anyway, as soon as the bus started moving she realized that it was not just a crick and that she was in extreme pain. To the point that she was in tears well before the time she got to school. So she went straight to the nurse's office. The nurse could tell that it was bad, so she had Otter call me.

Otter is pretty stoic about pain, for her to be in tears she had to be really hurting. So I knew it was bad. I called the doctor, who told me to bring her in right away. Of course, it was peak traffic at this time so it took me a little longer than normal to get to school but I got there. It took a little doing to get her in the car and semi-comfortable. We got to the doctor's office with Otter yelping at every bump in the road (and since this is NE Oklahoma, there are plenty!). The doctor looked at her neck and immediately ordered an x-ray. The technician tried to be gentle with her, but she obviously hurt during the x-rays. The doctor looked at the x-rays and he decided that there is no bone damage, which is a very good thing, and then he examined her neck in a little more detail. He didn't send her for the x-ray "just because", he really, seriously thought that there could be some damage. He gave her a prescription for a muscle relaxer, a note to keep her out of school today and instructions for her to follow.

I took her back to work with me so I could finish up a few things, then we got her prescription filled ($56.00 after the insurance discount!) and I ran her through McD's drive through. She took her medicine as soon as she ate and she's been on the couch ever since. The muscle relaxer isn't strong enough to put her to sleep, but she's a little groggy. She has to take another at bedtime. Tomorrow, we'll decide about school but I think she'll be able to go. The doctor said that she can take motrin, so she'll probably take that tomorrow since the muscle relaxer won't be a good idea at school. But I'll drive her to school instead of letting her take the bus and I'll probably pick her up after school as well. Probably no karate on Monday, maybe by Wednesday.

In the meantime, I am not feeling the best but I am at least able to function. But I have just about lost my voice. I guess I did too much today, but it wasn't anything that I could avoid.
I seem to recall a conversation with Otter yesterday, about how last year was my year to be sick and her dad's year for accidents but that we were NOT GOING TO HAVE ANY MORE OF THAT THIS YEAR! Obviously, she didn't listen.
I did notice something interesting on one of the x-rays. Her wisdom teeth are visible. And they don't look like they are in a good position! I asked the x-ray tech if I was seeing what I thought I was seeing, and she said that was the wisdom teeth and that in her opinion, I should probably ask the dentist about them the next time Otter sees her. Which will probably be sometime next month, when she gets the rest of the teeth sealed. I was 16 when mine had to be removed, Otter's age exactly. Hopefully, it won't be an issue with her.
That is the extent of my exciting day! X-rays, no voice and a groggy Otter.


Anonymous said...

Otter gets mor sympathy than you do. She at least was trying to get to school. She can't help that she is related to her mom and dad.
Tell her I hope she is better fast. And to come up with a much more inteesting story than se was running to the bus.
Hope you both feel better soon.
Can't wait until my trip.

Jan said...

Poor girl! I hope she's feeling better today!! BTW....I've always said crick for creek and I'm from IL! LOL! Must have been from Texas in another life! : )
Take care!
