Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm Not a Morning Person!

This is me today. Even after multiple cups of coffee!
I blame Bill. After all, he's the one who was trying to be heard all the way to Texas! Even my industrial-strength earplugs couldn't cut out the noise, if there were a record book for snoring I honestly think that you'd see his picture in there. I gave up in the middle of the night and moved to the couch. Then I was awakened by Frasier very early this morning, for some reason the dog wants to be fed at the same time every morning. Frasier was parked in the floor by the couch, and he was talking to me. No idea what he was saying, but it was loud and it almost sounded like he was trying to carry on a conversation. When I ignored him, he went and got Maggie. It was kind of hard to ignore a wiggly, hungry beagle licking my arm so I gave up at that point, got up and fed them. Then I went back to bed and Bill thoughfully let me sleep until nearly 9:00. Of course, that doesn't mean that I've forgotten that HE is the reason I didn't get much sleep last night in the first place!!
I'm taking out my sleep deprivation on Otter. I said those two words that strike fear into her every time: house cleaning! She hates to hear that phrase, for some reason. Can't imagine why!
It's getting interesting, watching the democratic candidates spar right now. I think Obama really put his foot in it this time. I'm not bitter. But I do cling to my religion and I'm not about to part with my weapons! I don't think he really knew his audience, but then that's not surprising. I'm not surprised that Hitlary jumped on his comments as fast as she did. I'd like to watch them tear each other apart for a while longer.
We thought we might have a dove nest on one of the posts on the front porch, but now I think the doves have changed their mind and gone in search of better real estate. There is a post that doves have nested on before, and we saw two doves up there yesterday. There is a nest started. But apparently they've found a better place, because I haven't seen a dove on the nest since yesterday morning. We have more doves this year than we've had the last couple of years. I haven't seen hummingbirds yet, but they should be showing up soon. I'm going to hang one of my feeders this afternoon and wait for customers.
The tulips look great, there are some really nice ones blooming now. The useless sentricon termite system is being removed on the 22nd, the tulips should be through by then. I need to get another picture of the tulips, I will try to do that today.
I found a link on the internet about the trial I was nearly on, and there was an article in the paper yesterday. He was not found guilty of murder, but he did get convicted of manslaughter for a self-defense action. He got a 12 year sentence and a fine. The other option was a 45 year sentence if he was convicted of murder. From reading the article in the paper, I think it probably was self-defense. I'm still glad that I didn't make the final jury, but I did learn a lot from the process.
FROGGY, WHERE ARE YOU? I haven't heard from you and I'm about to start calling you Toadly because of no communication from you in forever. So call me! Or email me. SOON.

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