Sunday, April 20, 2008

Springtime Sunday, Bluebonnets & Irises

Frasier in doggie jail! Actually, he's in the area we refer to as the dog's yard. Usually we let them out on the weekends, but Bill treated the weeds and we don't want the dogs on it.

Maggie was parked inside, she looks bored in this picture but she had just been getting a belly rub from Otter and went right back for another one!

Kind of windblown, but here are some of the irises that are behind the house now. The wind had calmed down a little, but every time I started to take a picture it would gust again. So the iris blooms don't look quite as showy as they actually are.

You can see a few other stalks here, they are absolutely loaded with buds! Which is kind of unexpected, because it can take a couple of years for them to bloom after being transplanted.

This is the first one I noticed, it's outside of the barrel. Two nice blooms. They are very deep blue. Much deeper color than the picture makes them look.

Close up of the one in the barrel. It's just starting to bloom.

The one outside the barrel again, from a slightly different angle. The back bloom is just opening up. There is another one, in front of the barrel but it's not quite blooming yet. It has a nice healthy bud, so there will be a bloom from it soon. Maybe more than one bloom. Bill found some seeds I harvested from last year's plants, it's too late to plant them now. They need to be planted in the fall, so I'll plant them in the barrel this fall and maybe I'll have more next year. The current ones are from seeds dropped off of last year's plants.


Anonymous said...

poor frasier!

Otter Mom said...

Right, poor Frasier. Let's see, he's gotten bread, lettuce, ice cubes and lots of playtime with me today. Poor Frasier my foot! :)