Saturday, April 26, 2008

Clara, 4/16/01

Dear Mom,

The last 7 years have seen a lot of changes. I think you'd like most of them. Your granddaughter (Otter) is 16 now, and she's becoming a young woman. She talks about you frequently. She was 9 years old when we lost you, but in that 9 years you made a big impact on her life. She still talks about you calling her "Hey Cute" whenever you saw her. You have passed on your love of animals and rocks to her. And babies, she is drawn to them as you were and she has your gifts with little ones.

Froggy's kids are all grown. The youngest (Squeaky) is about to graduate high school, the middle (Skippy) is in his 3rd year of college and the oldest (Scooter) is a very responsible young man. I think you would be very proud of all three of them.

Bolliver's daughter has made you a great-grandmother 4 times over, and I'm sure that you are caring for the one that is already with you. I'm sure you check in on them at times, they are beautiful kids.

There have been many things happen, but your three kids (Cricket, Froggy & Bolliver) all miss you and we will never forget the lessons you taught us. Thank you for being our mom.

We will always miss you. But we know that one day, we will all be reunited with you and Dad, Aunt Jessie, Uncle Aleck, Papa, Grandpa & Granma, Little Grandma & Granddad and all the rest of the family.
Your children.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with all you said. You did a good job expressing my feelings.
My 3 still talk about the times they spent with Mom and Dad. I have some pictures of each child with Mom. These are on my icebox(Mom called it this).
We were very blessed to have them for parents.