Friday, January 22, 2010

A Little Bit of Friday Rambling

Well, to start with I'm home today. Home with a sore throat and a killer headache. Which Otter had Wednesday. She stayed home then, and went back to school Thursday. I started having a headache on Wednesday, but it was a day that I was participating in our church's 40 day fasting & prayer program and I'll sometimes get a headache when I fast. Due to lack of caffiene! Anyway, the headache was still hanging around Thursday morning even after multiple cups of coffee. (And I do mean multiple!) I was also beginning to get throat tickles & some congestion. So I thought I was probably coming down with the bug Otter (and apparently a lot of her schoolmates) had. I've been taking motrin, which does help. The headache is better today, but still there. When I got up this morning, it must have been obvious that I was feeling cruddy because Bill told me he thought I should stay home. Which I think was good advice.

I did have to take Otter to school this morning, she had a project for astronomy class which involved counting different types of outdoor lights in the neighborhood because they are studying light pollution and how it affects star gazing. We had already decided that this morning was when we would drive around in the dark so she could count. It was extremely foggy as well. She was able to get her light counts, the fog seemed to make it easier to see some of the types of lights she needed to count. It's about 11:40 a.m. and it's still foggy, but not nearly as bad as it was at 6:45 this morning.

We could get rain tomorrow. We had rain and a little thunder a couple of nights ago. I'm not sure how much rain, but I think it was over an inch. But since tomorrow is Saturday, we aren't going anywhere anyway so I don't care if it rains.

Since I'm home, the dogsters are inside with me. Except for when we put them out when I took Otter to school. They have been back inside since I got home and are back in their usual spots - Frasier sleeping on his blanket and Maggie Moo sleeping on Otter's bed. I'm going to dislodge Frasier in a few minutes, their blankets are about to get washed. Otter has a purple fleecy blanket that is Maggie's to sleep on and Maggie does sleep on it quite a bit. Of course, it's up ON Otter's bed! When Otter isn't in bed and Maggie is, Maggie will either sleep on the side Otter usually sleeps on or on Otter's pillow. So I probably won't have to disturb her to get her purple blanket washed. Fraiser, on the other hand...

Oh well, he'll get over it. And he'll even forgive me for washing the blanket and changing the way it smells! :) He's easily bought, a belly rub will generally be enough to get his affection back. Or ear scratches, he loves those.
I just got the dog blankets in the washing machine. Maggie is where I predicted, up on Otter's bed. This time, she's on the pillow. Frasier was on his blanket, I had to pull it out from under hm and he did not want me to! He gave me the sad eyes he's so good at as I carried the blanket away. But I'm immune! Sometimes, when he thinks I'm going to take his blanket, he'll wrap his front legs around it and hold it between them.
OK, it's time for another motrin and I think I'm going to make a cup of tea. Then I'll probably go back to the couch and watch the news at noon.

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