Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wet Thursday Update

Well, I think we have a winter storm. But I'm not sure yet!

It was cold this morning so I took Otter to school. Then when I ran an errand about noon, it was beginning to sleet. I left work at 1:30 and it was getting really icy, not so much on the street yet but the car & things above the ground were covered. It took me slightly longer than normal to get to school, I got Otter about 40 minutes early and the ice was coming down heavier by the time we got home. Bill needed to get something at Lowe's so we decided to go while we could since all indications were that we could well be home and iced in for a few days. By the time we got out of Lowe's, it was still sleeting but changing over to rain. We decided to run by Hobby Lobby (they aren't that far from home or that far apart from each other) for paint Bill wanted - which they didn't have, but they did have yarn and I got some! We were in Hobby Lobby for maybe 10 minutes and when we left it was pretty much just rain coming down. It's below freezing and has been for a while, but not deeply below. The rain might stay, or it might transition to snow - which is probably what will happen. The concern is that the rain will turn back to sleet and also the water on the ground already will freeze. Then the snow will probably be after that. That is a recipe for very bad streets.

School has already been cancelled for tomorrow. I'm thinking that Bill & I will probably be home as well, but we'll know for sure in the morning.

The other concern with ice is power outages. That is something we can deal with, we have before. We don't necessary want to, but we can deal with it. Bill's busy cutting boards and stuff he needs to do now, in case we have a power outage. That way, he can still work on the pachinko machines and the frames he's building for them. When he comes in, he's going to get a fire started and then Otter and I have marshmallow plans.

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