Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday Wasabi

Wasabi is a condiment. At least in Otter's world it is! I've never tried it, but it's supposed to be melt-your-brain hot. Maybe eventually. I like hot spices, but I also like to be able to taste what I'm eating so I tend to avoid the really hot stuff so my taste buds don't get burnt out!


Bubba & Bubba did get the rest of our firewood delivered. They brought it sometime during the day Thursday, it was stacked neatly on the outside of the fence when Otter got home from school. When Bill got home from work, it got moved to the back yard and stacked it on the wood rack. Now we are fully supplied. Which of course means that the weather got warm.

UFO progress report: I've finished Kid#3's hat and made mine, I made a pouch for Virginia and I put two or three rows on the blanket I'm making for Bill. The blanket is a work in progress, it's a way to use up small amounts of yarn that I don't have a use for so it's a long-term project. Which is fine with me! It's a fun pattern. I'm also working on my latest pillow cover, I started it but I haven't had a chance to get back to it. I'm also going to get back to the arm warmers that Otter wanted, I've come up with a pattern that will work. I couldn't find one that would do what I wanted, so I created my own.

I will eventually post pictures of the caps and so forth, but my camera has finally officially bit the dust. I guess I need to dig up the old digital camera, the one that uses floppy discs.

My picnic basket is beginning to show signs of wear. It's coming undone at the bottom on the back side. It holds my yarn, so it is something that I'll replace when I have to. Apparently, they are very collectible and I have one of the more popular ones. Which I find surprising, I got it at an antique/junk/fun/collectible store for $3.00 2 years ago. Froggy, the one where you found Scooter's puzzles. In fact, Froggy you were with me when I bought it - the first time you came to see us and we stopped there after we'd picked up Otter from church camp.
I've also found lots of Fenton there, so I might have to schedule a shopping trip there in the (very near) future. :)
Now, I hear my yarn calling me. Oh yeah - funny story: Yesterday, Otter was making something. She likes the so-called Ugly Dolls and she decided she could make one. So when we went to Hobby Lobby Friday, she found some fabric and googly eyes. Then she made a pattern yesterday, cut it out and sewed it together. When it came time to make hair for the creature, she was stumped. She came up with an idea. Here's the funny part - she actually had to ask me if I had any yarn!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love the part where she asked if you had any yarn. Mom would have said does Carters have any pills. That was one of her sayings.
Since kid2 has moved out (except for all the junk he still has to come back and clean out)we are redoing rooms. kid3's is now my sewing room and kid2's is now kid3's room. I am having so much fun organizing my sewing room. I am also looking at what UFOs I will be working on next.
You have to go thrift shopping for a new yarn basket. I remember how much fun we had when we found the basket you have now. Froggy