Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Some Mid-Week Rambling Thoughts

It's been a busy week and it's only half over!

Today, we had firewood delivered. We called the man we usually buy it from, we refer to him affectionately as Bubba. And his helper is also Bubba. They are funny, but they get the job done and reasonably. They were supposed to come out at 11:30 this morning, I was going to arrange my lunch hour to meet them. But he called me earlier, he had to get the brakes fixed in his truck so he wanted to reschedule me so I set it up for 3:30. Which meant that my after-school plans with Otter had to be rearranged. She wants to go to Hobby Lobby, which will probably be Friday after work. Tomorrow, I have to get groceries and then get home by 4:30 so Bubba & Bubba Jr. can bring the rest of the wood. They were a little short.

The rest of our plans today included the library, which we have rescheduled for Sunday afternoon. One of the branch locations is open on Sundays and it's our favorite one. So we'll take care of Otter's book needs then. She's got plenty to read until then, so she won't be deprived.

Bill got another pachinko machine today. He saw this one on Craigslist, which is where most of them have come from. Today's addition is in pretty good shape, he might clean it up and possibly sell it. He's planning on keeping 4 for himself and probably selling the rest. But that is subject to change.

I am working on my UFO's. I finished both throw pillows, the second one is the one Bill requested I make with camo yarn. Because the crochet part is a granny square, there were lots of "holes" for the pillow to show through so I sewed a dark green cover for it first, then put the crochet square on the outside and it looks pretty good. I have two more throw pillows, one is going to be fabric covered with lace and the fabric is cut, partially pinned and on my "to get to" shelf. The other one is going to be another crochet covered one, I bought light blue yarn today for one side and a varigated light blue/pale green yarn for the other side. It's called Ocean and it's really pretty. But I'm not sure when I'm going to start on it, as I'm also working on one other UFO - a lavender hat. And then maybe a couple more hats.
Then I think I might be caught up with sewing and crochet projects. But don't ask me about my craft projects waiting on my workbench out in the garage!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am still finishing up 2 projects from last year. One is a birthday present for kid1's girlfriend and the other is kid2's graduation quilt. Then I am going to make pillowcases. One of the quilt shops here is making pillowcases for the Ronald Mcdonald house. Then I have a quilt I started many years ago(way before I got married). That will be finished this year. Then I have knitting projects to finish and a lot of material to sew. Will it ever end? Froggy