Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Some Misc Mid Week Stuff of Various Degrees of Importance

Info from Froggy that I thought I should pass on to anyone interested in such things. Like me!

January 27: Chocolate Cake Day, I would normally particpate in this one, but I didn't get the email from Froggy until I was home and I don't want to go back out "just" for this one. But since it's chocolate, it's major. So I think I'll remember the white cake we had last night and go get a piece of chocolate out of the freezer.

January 28: National Blueberry Pancake Day. This is one I'd enjoy, but I don't have time to make pancakes in the morning. Also, Otter is allergic to blueberries. Besides, I'm really tryiing to stick to my oatmeal. But I do have dried blueberries which I'll probably put in it tomorrow!

We might get Winter again tomorrow morning. Or maybe not until tomorrow afternoon.. Or maybe not until tomorrow night. Or maybe not until Friday morning. The forecasters have covered all possible bases now, but it looks like we have a winter storm headed our way. Time of arrival, duration and severity to be determined later! Well, we're prepared. But we generally are. We have firewood, both cars are gassed up, blankets are washed, dog food bin is full, pantry is full and we have water on hand. Wait, that's normal life! I did go to the grocery store today, instead of waiting until Thursday or Friday like normal but we would still have had several days worth of food on-hand even if I didn't. It was very crowded! When we drove by Wallyworld on the way home, their parking lot looked like it was on the verge of overflowing.
But, on the off chance that the storm is as severe as the original forecast - there is the possiblility of power outages due to ice. So, if I don't post and nobody gets email from me then it's safe to assume that we're without electricity. So, Froggy, if you don't hear from me by Friday sometime: call me! We'll be hunkered down in front of the fireplace (fighting for space with two furry dogs), probably roasting marshmallows.


Anonymous said...

blueberry pancakes for dinner.

Anonymous said...

Remember to keep all your cell phones fully charged.
Who says that Pancakes have to be for breakfast? I like them more for supper anyway.
I am having my chocolate cake tomorrow-probably a cupcake.

Otter Mom said...

I'm the only person in my house who thinks that food is to be eaten whenever, not just certain foods for breakfast etc. Bill and the Otter have this mistaken idea that you can only eat certain foods at certain times of the day. I keep telling them that they don't know what they are talking about, but they don't listen!
My cell phone is always charged and so is the Otter's. Also, she makes sure that her DS (like a gameboy) is fully charged - she's got her priorities!