Thursday, January 26, 2012

27 Years and Ice Cream Therapy

Today is our 27th wedding anniversary.  We had originally planned to have steaks but have them  tomorrow because we like to have something fun on Fridays, as a way to wind down and start Sabbath.  We're still having the steaks then, but we decided that we wanted to have something tonight as well.  So we made french Bread Pizza (france never, ever gets a capital letter in this house unless it happened to be a person's name).  We stuffed ourselves, but it was very good.  It's always fun to make.  Otter's pizza had pepperoni (lots!) and bell pepper.  Bill's and mine had those toppings, along with a few others.  Onions, black olives, mushrooms and his had jalepenos.

We're also having Ice Cream Therapy.  Last week, I picked Otter up at school one day and took her to lunch.  Braum's is where we decided to go.  We decided that we needed two things:  she wanted french fries and I wanted something with gravy, such as their chicken strip meal.  I forget why, but we started calling it Therapy.  Froggy asked me if we'd had ice cream therapy as well, but we didn't have it that day.  Today, since it's our anniversary, we were hoping we could find a rare and elusive strawberry cheesecake ice cream pie.  We were in luck, it was the last one Braum's had.  It's still in the freezer, we're a little stuffed from the pizza.  Today, along with it being a treat for our anniversary, we've decided that we're having Ice Cream Therapy.  The other reason for needing Ice Cream Therapy is because it's not Friday yet.  Hey, it works!  Like we actually need a reason...

Today is also International Spouse Day.  Not sure exactly what that means, but that's what Froggy told me this morning.  A couple of days ago, it was International Peanut Butter Day.  Peanut butter has always been one of my favorite foods, and it was also one that Mom really loved.  Sometimes she'd make sandwiches, but mostly I remember her grabbing a long handled tea spoon and eating her peanut butter straight from the jar.  She didn't gorge on it, just the occasional spoonful when she wanted a snack.  Froggy, do you remember if Mom liked chunky or creamy?  I think she liked creamy, but I'm not really sure.  Tomorrow is International Chocolate Day, so it's going to be a good day!  Of course, chocolate and peanut butter go very well together.  If we're looking for a sweet snack, it frequently involves a bite of chocolate with peanut butter on it.

My arm is much better.  My elbow is still a little painful but not nearly as much as it was.  It still gets stiff, though.  Mostly, what I'm dealing with at the moment is a very tight muscle.  When I took my shower last night, I turned the water temperature up much higher than I normally like and held my arm underneath it.  It helped quite a bit.  But then Otter and I had a shoe shine party, which undid a lot of the benefit of the warmth.  I probably should have thought about that before I started polishing my boots!  I also did Bill's leather tennis shoes and Otter took care of the combat boots that Granpda gave her a while back.  She wears them as often as she can, by the way.

OK, I think maybe I have room for that pie now.


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Froggy

Alexandra said...

Happy belated anniversary! Our 20th is next month. :)