Thursday, January 05, 2012

Thursday Evening's Actual Post

The Teenage Torture post was just for fun!  But it was also 100% honest.  She's reading the instruction book that came with the laptop at the moment, she's obviously her mother's daughter in that respect and not like her engineer father!  Or maybe it's just a guy thing, most of them don't read instruction manuals and that's when the wife/female significant other/daughter has to step in, she's she is usually the only one who has actually read the instructions!

Anyway, I'm still sick.  The cold is still hanging in there and is now triggering my asthma.  I was hoping to avoid that this time, but no luck.  I felt pretty bad this morning although I did get some sleep last night (not as much as the night before however) and I considered calling in.  I decided to go in anyway, and since I had most of the morning to myself, I was able to get the things done that I needed to.  Then the 95 year old teenager showed up and progress stopped, but he's pretty cool so I didn't mind.  Also, that's when the lecture started.  The one about how I shouldn't have come in, and then he felt my forehead which is when I realized that I probably did have a low-grade fever.  I've pretty much been ordered NOT to go to work tomorrow, I told him that I'll keep him posted on that but I think I'm going to do what he suggested and stay home.

I'm feeling both better and worse.  The cold symptoms are still there, but I'm not sneezing quite as often and I have slowed down the amount of kleenex I have been using.  But, and this is the "fun" part, it's definitely settled into my chest and the asthma is coming on strong.  So, less sneezing but a whole lot more coughing.  The coughing is not fun, but it would be a whole lot worse if I wasn't coughing because a cough is the body's attempt to clear the lungs out.  Asthma makes it that much harder to deal with, but as long as I'm coughing it's actually ok.  I've been taking motrin for the last few days but I think I'm going to skip it tonight and have a glass of wine instead.  Motrin in the one that you can take and have a small amount of alchohol, I just don't like to take anything at all with any alcohol so the last motrin I took today at about 1:00 is probably the last one for the day.

(Otter's now reading the manual out loud to the Resident Engineer.)

Froggy made a suggestion:  Chicken soup.  I can't believe I forgot about that one, I'm usually making it as soon as anybody has the slightest hint of a sniffle!  I did get a pot of beef/vegetable soup started this morning, Otter's been watching/stirring it for me all day and it was ready by the time I got home.  It was very good, too.  I might make chicken soup this weekend, along with pinto beans that I've been putting off.

(Otter and the Resident Engineer are about to start making a recovery disk.  He must be sick, he actually told her to read the directions!)

The news has been full of "this time last year" reports.  Well, this time last year was actually decent.  The white stuff wasn't until the first of February, not January.  Today, it was in the 60's and was really nice.  Tomorrow is supposed to be about the same and the next few days will be nice.  But, it is Winter and this is NE Oklahoma, so that could change rapidly.

We're prepared:  plenty of firewood and marshmallows!

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