Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Miscellaneous Wednesday Thoughts

I'm still coughing, but not as bad.  Not as often, or as much when I do cough but it is still there.  Probably going to be for a while, based on what I've heard from other people who've had the bronchitis bug.  But, I've only had one really bad coughing spell today.  While it did make me a little dizzy, it was the only bad one so I'm not going to complain about it.

I haven't gotten any crochet done in a few days.  Just been a lot of little things keeping me busy.  I took the scrap blanket project to work today, thinking I'd work on it at lunch.  But I read the paper instead!  I did eat lunch, I had some of my beef/vegetable soup that is stockpiled in the freezer.  It was good, by the way.

Tomorrow, I am going to pick Otter up from college at lunch and have lunch with her.  After that, I think I'm probably going to drop her at the library for the afternoon since her classes are only in the morning.  She'll have plenty of time to load up on books, although I told her she needs to take a tote bag with her and not get it too full to carry.  She said she'd try!

Doggies go to the vet tomorrow, Maggie gets a rear squish and Fraiser just gets to go for a ride.  He'll be happy.  Maggie won't be.

Frasier is really goofy today.  I was making dinner and he had been ouside for a while.  He kept coming back into the garage and peeking through the flap on their door.  I think he was looking for roadkill (dropped food) because he never actually came inside.  He just stuck his head in a little bit, or just his nose a couple of times, and one time he didn't even do that - I could see him on the other side of the flap and he was just sitting there.  Who knows what goes on in that pup's mind!  Well, Coydogs (father coyote, mother dog) or Dogotes (Mother coyote, father dog) and their next several generations are supposed to be extremely smart and that certainly describes him.  We think he's probably about 1/4 coyote, but it could well be higher.  Whatever the mix is, he's a goofy boy!

Not much else at the moment.

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