Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Spoke Too Soon! (Haven't I Said That Before?)

I woke up with a really bad sinus headache this morning and a lot of sinus pressure.  I also had a stuffed-up nose.  That's when it got really fun (not!).  After I blew my nose, I realized that there was bleeding going on.  Not from my irritated nasal passages, but from higher up in my left sinus cavity.  It wasn't gushing, but rather it was like it had been bleeding earlier.  I was pretty sure at that point that I was dealing with more than "just" a cold.

I went in to work because I had a couple of things that I absolutely had to do today, I got them done and then I left.  I went straight to the doctor and only had about a half-hour wait because there were a couple of people ahead of me.  I went to the walk-in clinic we've been using lately.  A gentlemen was checking in right after I did, and he told the clerk that he had a cold he couldn't seem to shake and his symptoms matched mine, so at that point I'm thinking that it's probably a bug that is going around and not a cold after all.

Turns out, I was right.  It is a bug that is going around and not a cold.  Because it's bronchitis!  So, the asthma issues I've had the last couple of days are in fact bronchitis.  Possibly, the asthma is triggered, but since the symptoms are basically the same it probably doesn't really matter.  I do have a sinus infection as well, which is not surprising given my history.  I'm on an antibiotic and a cough suppresant (sp?) since I have been coughing quite a bit.  I also have mucinex, but I haven't started taking it yet.  I'm not sure if I'm going to need it or not but I went ahead and got it so I'd have it on hand, just in case.  The doctor said it's up to me but since the cough medicine could make me drowsy and mucinex is basically super strength robitussin, I'm holding off on it for now.

I did make one other stop.  I went to Wallyworld and bought chicken soup fixins*.  Guess what's for dinner tonight?  (The recipe pictured above is not the one I use, I just thought it was a cute picture and appropriate).

Otter doesn't think that what I have is the same thing as what she had, and she might be right.  I could well have had the "cold" she had last week, and then the bronchitis bug came along after that and seeing that I was already in a weakened state it decided to attack me.  Based on my symptoms and how I was getting better and then got worse, it is possible.  Now, I just have to keep Otter from getting the bronchitis because it is always bad when she gets anything like that due to her asthma.

I'm off work at least tomorrow, the doctor told me to stay home and not even attempt to go back to work until Thursday.  I talked to my boss after I left the doctor's office, and he's talkling like he doesn't want to see me at all this week but I'll see what happens and how I feel Thursday/Friday.

*Fixins is one of those all-purpose TEXAN language words.  See my many previous posts for information about it.  It's probably our favorite word and we all use it, as often as we can.  :)

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