Wednesday, January 04, 2012


I actually managed to get some sleep last night.  I went to bed about 9:30, which was about 2 hours later than I wanted to but I like to wait up for Bill when he works b(oring)oard meetings.  Last night's meeting started 1/2 hour earlier and ended 2 hours earlier than normal, so he was home about 8:30.  I was thinking I'd probably not wait up for him like I usually do, but I probably should have still gone to bed earlier than I did.  But, I did sleep.  All night long, I didn't even wake up for a midnight bathroom trip.  Bill said he didn't thnk I moved all night long.  I was very rested this morning and felt better but I'm still sick.

I slogged my way through work today but it was tiring.  I came home and got Otter at lunch because I was pretty much ordered by her unofficial grandfather that he needed to see her.  He was so happy that she was coming in, he went and got his precious wife and brought her up to see Otter.

After work, we ran by Grandpa & Sweetie's to visit them for a few minutes and then we went to the college so Otter could buy her books for the next semester.  $308.00 this time, which is a little better than the $375.00 we had to shell out last Fall.  Classes start Monday.  She's going to need a new bag to carry them in, they won't fit in the backpack we were hoping would work.  We'll probably hit the Army Surplus store this weekend about that.  The laptop was supposed to be delivered tomorrow - so we planned our errands for today.  We got home to a FedEx sticker on the door and it's going to be re-delivered tomorrow.  Otter will be here to sign for it.  I'm glad it's FedEx and not UPS because the UPS guy tends to leave the boxes on the porch, ring the doorbell and run as fast as he can back to his truck.  Even when he is supposed to physically hand it to us, he usually doesn't.  FedEx seems to have their act together a little better, and Otter should have her laptop tomorrow.  Of course, the carrying case won't be here until Monday or Tuesday.

After getting the books, we went to Wallyworld and then to the dollar store since they seem to be the only people anymore who have the shampoo Otter can use.  They were the only place I could find mine, but I think that White Rain has quit making the plain, non-scented kind.  Not sure what I'm going to do when I run out, I guess I'll figure something out.

Anyway, after all that running around, I am t.i.r.e.d.!  We had tuna caserolle for dinner and I nearly forgot to put the tuna in it.  I'm chalking it up to being exhausted and not feeling the best.  Once we finally got all the ingredients in, it was pretty good.

On that note, I'm going to post this and call it a night.

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