Thursday, January 12, 2012

Just Enough

Just enough snow to look pretty and not be a nuisance.  We got about 1/2" of the white, fluffy stuff overnight.  The ground is still fairly warm and it was sunny most of the day, so most of it's melted.  But it was pretty and I'm glad it's gone!  It was pretty cold today, it might have gotten to above freezing but not very far above.  If at all.

I went in to work this morning, coughing my head off.  The cough was better yesterday, but it showed up again last night.  I had to get a couple of things done, like paychecks, so I forced myself to go in although I really didn't feel good at all.  I did everything I needed to do and then I left, somewhere around 10:00 or 10:30 I think.  I coughed myself dizzy a few times and that's not fun.

Although I was feeling cruddy and the extremely cold wind didn't help a bit, we did get the grocery run done.  It was bugging me that I hadn't been able to go, so I decided that it was worth it.  With Otter's help, we got in and out of Wally in about an hour or possibly a little under an hour.  It felt like hours and hours, but we made pretty good time.  Wallyworld isn't very crowded on a Thursday late morning.  We got home, got it all unloaded and put away quickly and then I parked myself on the couch.  Where I stayed pretty much from then until a few minutes ago, when we had dinner.  I've already arranged tomorrow off, so I'm going to spend most of tomorrow on the couch as well.

I was going to take the cough medicine, even though the headache it causes isn't fun, but the coughing did improve to the point where I don't really need to take it.  If it gets bad again, I will take it though.

Froggy, we're finally going to get into some of the tamales you picked up for us.  They will be our Friday night dinner, along with homemade chili.  I'm probably going to load the chili up with spice.  Maybe it will clear my sinus infection if I get the chili hot enough!

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