Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Just Thinking About Stuff

I'm thinking about the dinner we just had.  It was the Borg Queen's signature meal:  Spaghetti!  We pretty much have it weekly, but in all honesty I think I could eat it daily!

I'm thinking about the fact that I haven't crocheted since January 14.  And also about the fact that my arm is better, but not much better.  So I feel safe to say that the crochet probably had some effect on it, but not much of one.  I'm thinking I'm going to wait a few days more before I attempt it again.  I probably should explain that yes, my arm is better.  My elbow is feeling much more normal.  It's just that I keep forgetting about babying it and use my right arm/hand for something heavy or hard to hold.  Then I get muscle cramps!  It's frustrating, but oh well!

I'm thinking about this time last year.  About how we'd been to the gas station that morning and it was nice and open, I had a nice talk with an older gentlemen about how it would be busy later.  About how we stopped at the grocery store for dog food before dropping Otter off at school.  About how we went to Wally for two things after school and ran a couple of other errands, including standing in a looooooong line at the post office to mail some crocheted hats.  Which didn't actually leave the post office for a few days, because of the weather.  About how we drove past several grocery stores and gas stations on the way home, and they were all crowded and the parking lots look like they were way beyond capacity.  About how we came home and had hamburgers.  About how Bill's and Otter's school districts cancelled that night and my boss called me about us being closed the next day.  I'm thinking about how we went to bed that night and really didn't think we'd get anywhere near what we actually did.

I'm thinking about how I'm so glad to it was in the low 70's today and the rest of the week, while cooler, will still be fairly warm.

I'm thinking about how much I enjoyed the walk we took the pupsters on after we got home today.  We've been trying to take them out a couple of times each week, it's good for them as well as my knee and Otter always likes to spend some time with her beagle.

That's what I'm thinking about today.  What about you?

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