Sunday, January 08, 2012

Sunday S.A.B.L.E.

S.A.B.L.E., as mentioned previously, stands for:


Otter doesn't think I'm there yet.  But, there is a reason I call her my Chief Enabler!

This is why I think I could be there, or at least very close:

10 Drawers.  All of them are full of yarn.  One of them has labels & crochet supplies, but it's also got yarn in it.

This is one of the drawers, and it's stuffed full.  There are other yarn balls in this drawer besides the ones that are visible.  Some of the drawers are kind of difficult to open and close, but as I said before, yarn is squishable.

This is one of the other drawers, it's got bamboo & cotton yarn that is as soft as bamboo, as well as a few other of the pricier skeins.  There's a sandwich baggie full of yarn pieces, which is what I take out to the yard in the spring and let the birds have for nest building.

These tote bags are full of yarn, and the blue one is pretty big.  The floral bag has 3 skeins of the Really Good Yarn that I got in Texas, which gives me 4 of that kind.

Also - not shown are the W.I.P. (works in progress) that are in the living room - but they are not all that much unused yarn, mostly already crocheted stuff awaiting final touches such as tails buried, etc.  The afghan is not shown either, because the yarn for it is not part of the stash since it's already dedicated to a project.  IF it ever gets cold again, I'll get back on the afghan.  (It's been a warm winter so far).  I also have a pillow cover that I'm working on, but it uses small end pieces that I don't have a use for otherwise but are too big to cut up for bird yarn.  It's not going to be finished any time soon, even though it's not a big project, because I'm out of end pieces that are the right size for it.

The stuffed animals on top of the drawers are my toys.  Some of them are from Bill and some of them are from Otter, for Mother's Day, Birthdays, etc.

I was going to pull everything out of the closet today and see about re-organizing it, but I realized that I didn't have to take it all out.  I just had to pull out a few things and put it up again, and some of it was Bill's stuff that had "accidentally" migrated to my side of the closet.  I also found a few things I wanted to donate, not sure how they ended up in the closet and they are now back in the donate pile I'm starting in the living room.

I had a scarf that I started when we were in Texas, it was also to use up yarn left from projects.  Small balls that are bigger than I want for my pillow project, but not big enough to make anything at all.  After I got a few rows done on it, I decided that I'd rather turn it into a lap-sized blanket instead.  Mostly, because I went back to my stash drawers to look for something else (I found it) and realized that I have a whole lot of small yarn balls, many more than I thought.

I've been using the ergonomic hook holder and it does seem to help.  My elbow doesn't seem to get nearly as sore as it had been, and my arms don't cramp up as badly.

I'm feeling better.  The cold symptoms are still hanging in there, but they are much milder than they have been.  I'm still coughing, I do have asthma after all, but I'm a lot better.  I don't really have a sore throat except that it does get a little sore after coughing spells.  I'm not sure yet about tomorrow and working, it's going to be decided on in the morning.  I have managed to sleep better the last couple of nights, which helps a lot.

I've been cooking today.  I haven't been overdoing it, but I have had a few things that had to be done.  Laundry (urg!) for one thing.  And cooking.  I put several containers of the soup I made last week in the freezer, along with one of Beanie-Weenie Surprise (Bill's lunch today) and I made tuna caserolle specifically to freeze for his/Otter's lunches.  I am probably going to make chili tonight, and some of it will be for the freezer as well.  I usually have several things on hand like that, Bill takes them for lunch and that way I can gaurantee that a)  he has a good lunch and b) he doesn't feel the need to run to Taco Bell or whatever's closest for things he shouldn't eat! :)  I was going to make pinto beans, but I've changed my mind.  I'm still going to make them, just not today.

Otter starts her second semester at college tomorrow.  She's at one of her friend's houses this afternoon, she should be home in a few hours.  We got her a messenger bag at the Army Surplus store so she can carry her books easily.  She's probably not going to need to take all of them each day, but we had to buy a bag that was big enough (and strong enough) to hold them all just in case.

I'm not sure if I ever updated about her foot issues, but she saw the dermatologist on Dec. 21st, two days before our trip.  The doctor feels like the plantar's warts are all gone, so no more freezing!  Which was good, because if it had needed anymore we would have waited until after the trip.  We still have to watch it for a while, but she thinks that it's probably gone.  Otter's happy because now she can get back to that stash of hers (shoes!) and she can wear her heels again.

We haven't been thrifting much lately.  We shopped at a few in TEXAS, and I think we've been to one thrift store since we got back.  Have to change that, and soon.  I'm not in a shopping mood at the moment, although I did think I wanted a Coach purse.  I had one picked out and had the money together ($298.00) but then I realized that I really did not want one.  I have one already, which was a thrift find.  I was just surprised to realize that I didn't want another one.  I might eventually change my mind on it.  Who knows.  They are expensive, but I have to say that they are worth it.  They are extremely well-made and they do last for years and years.  Some things, you get what you pay for, and Coach bags are definitely in that category.

It was in the high 60's yesterday or possibly the low 70's.  Today, we'll be lucky if we hit 50 degrees.  It should be cool all week, with rain possible early in the week.  But it's still not "winter" weather.  I'm wondering if this is the calm before the storm and we'll get socked like we did last February.

Hope not.  But, I have plenty of yarn to play with if it does happen.  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes you have reached S.A.B.L.E. for sure.
The food sounds good. Glad Otter's foot is better. Froggy