Thursday, January 19, 2012


The title refers to my right arm.  I'm not quite at the point of calling it my stupidrightarm, so far only the left knee gets the title of "stupid."  But my arm is about to get it!

It's been bothering me for a few weeks at least.  It's not in the elbow joint, it's in the muscles close to my elbow but not actually the elbow itself.  It's not arthritic, nor is it carpal tunnel.

But, I think we've figured out what it is.

No, it's not crochet!  Although crochet does aggravate it.

A few weeks back, I bumped my arm pretty hard.  I don't remember exactly what I did, but I think it involved a door closing unexpectedly and smashing me.  I was brainstorming about it with Bill last night and that's when I realized just how long it's been hurting.  I started listing my symptoms and what makes it worse/better.

I think I've got a bruised tendon.

Bill had one once and it was a similar situation.  They can take weeks to heal, but since I'm right handed and have to use the computer mouse a lot, as well as frequently having a crochet hook in my right hand, it hasn't had time to heal.

Bill suggested that I immobilize it, which I was already planning to do, with an elastic bandage made for elbows.  He also thinks I should put it in a sling and leave it still as long as I can.  So, Saturday there will be no crochet for me!  :(  I think he's right, though.  I'm just not sure if that will be long enough or not, but we'll see.  So, it might actually be a lot longer before I can pick up my hook & yarn again.. :( 

But, if it works, it will be worth it.

I've also realized that how I rest my arm, the position and hieght it's at as well as the surface (desk, etc.) it rests on affects it.

Of course, I can't sleep on my back or left side!

I'm attempting to be left handed, which is not easy.

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