Sunday, November 09, 2008

2nd Sunday Post & Fenton Update

I was going to add on to my first post, but that was way early this morning and now it's evening. So I decided to just do a second one.

We never did get the tulips planted or the iris plants moved. I have spent all day dragging around, thanks to not getting much sleep last night. Just one of those sleepless nights, I guess. We are going to plant the tulip bulbs sometime during the week, as soon as we get home from school/work. I might get more iris plants moved as well, but they can wait if I don't get to them yet.

Otter and I went to the Fenton signing this afternoon. I got my blue elephant baby signed and also the $3.00 Goodwill basket I got when Froggy was here in the summer. I nearly bought another piece, but the Fenton representative, George Fenton - grandson of the founder and current company President - agreed with me that it probably wasn't Fenton. Although the seller said she thought it was, I decided to trust the expert's opinion (and also my own instincts). Otter picked out the piece she wants for Christmas this year, it's one that she liked last year but then changed her mind and picked a different one. It's a black horse with a moon and stars painted on it. There are several new pieces I am thinking about as well. But then there always are pieces I'm thinking about, when it comes to Fenton! :)

We saw the B-17 when we were on the way home. They are such wonderful planes, a really neat sight to see in the air.
Other than laundry, dishes and some light housework it has not been a very productive day. But that's ok, I don't have too many lazy Sundays and it was nice. I did manage to get a third row on the scarf I'm crocheting for my Sunday School Secret Sister gift for November. She likes orange, so I'm making her an orange and white scarf. It's going to have 5 or 6 rows, I'll decide when I finish row 5. It's going fast, but my hands were cramped up for a while this afternoon! I crochet quickly and I do enjoy it, but it sometimes makes my arms sore.
I guess that is about it for now! Frasier says woof. Or maybe he said snore, it's hard to tell with him sometimes. Maggie definitely said snore! She's back in her spot in the middle of Otter's bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aren't you glad that you kept the Fenton piece? Froggy