Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tired Tuesday!

Well, if I have Maggie Monday, Whine Wednesday and Frasier Friday then it just makes sense for Tuesday to have it's own name. At least for today. But Saturday, Wednesday and Thursday are feeling left out.

It's been a stressful day. One of my bosses is back from vacation. Which means that he's taking the pile of stuff off of his desk and recycling it to mine. Busy does not even begin to describe it, and it's going to be that way for a couple of days. Then it will be back so normal - slow. But until then...

We went to the bank today and signed the loan paperwork, then they gave me a draft to take to the dealer which I did after leaving the bank. The car is now officially ours, well ours and the bank's. The bank has to send their lein registration stuff to the state and then they'll mail me the stuff to go get my actual license plates and officially register it in our name. That could take a couple of weeks. But it's legally ours anyway. I think I am really going to enjoy this car, it is a dream to drive. I really enjoyed the last one (Bill's new car!) but this car is going to be a lot of fun as well. I also realized that we paid less for this car than we did for the Impala we bought 6 years ago and this one has more gizmos. I guess car prices are coming down.

Part of the reason I'm tired is because I had a Childhood Family Vacation Flashback last night. Froggy will remember this, and Toadly might as well. When we would go on vacations, it was generally to visit Toadly wherever the Navy had stationed him. We frequently had to sleep in the living room, on the couch and floor. Mom and Dad both snored. LOUDLY! And it was always Mom snore, Dad snore, Mom snore, Dad snore... All night long. Last night, I had a major flashback because it was Bill snore, Frasier snore, Bill snore, Frasier snore... !! I told Bill that if he snores tonight, I just might kick him out of bed. He told me that it would be Frasier's fault, but I'm not blaming the dog!
Ok, off to figure out what I want for dinner. Bill and Otter have already fed themselves, I was busy posting eBay stuff and they ate without me! I think I hear a can of tuna calling me, it'll be easy at least. Unless Otter beat me to it! She loves tuna as much as I did, and we only had one can left the last time I looked in the pantry. That could be a disaster! :)


Jan said...

Hey! Enjoy that new car! Wise choise about the sun roof, by the way!

Anonymous said...

Boy do I remember the vacations. There was one vacation that I will always remember. I don't know where we were, but I "slept" between Mom and Dad. I think it might have been in Florida. One would snore and then the other would snore. I could not get away from it since I was in the middle and there was no where else to sleep. But these are really good memories, right?