Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A New Day

At the moment, this is all I have planned to say regarding the election:

Change in and of itself is not automatically good. Change is what got Hitler to power. Change is what got Stalin to power. Change might just get us another terrorist attack, and I don't think that the President-Elect is a strong enough man to stand up to them.

I have other thoughts, but for now I'm going to keep them to myself. However, I may post them later on.

Except for this one comment: I do think that Obama's election is in a lot of ways a good thing, because of what Dr. Martin Luther King was trying to accomplish and lost his life over. It has never been about skin color for me, and it still isn't. I think a black President is a change that we probably do need and I am glad to see that at least.

And I'm also glad that the political ads are now over. The local stuff was really dirty and I'm glad it's done.

I think it's raining! We have a good chance of it tonight. IF we get as much as forecast (like that will ever happen!), then Bill thinks that the rain barrel could easily be filled up. I don't think so, but it could get quite a bit of water collected.

I've been fighting a sinus headache all day long. I woke up about 4:00 with a stuffy nose and a dry mouth. And I have been stuffy all day. I took Motrin this afternoon, when I couldn't stand it any longer. Then I made chili tonight and it had a LOT of chili powder. It has helped quite a bit.

It's very windy, which probably didn't help my sinus headache. My neighbor (the one with the dogs) still has their really tacky, inflatable yard art in their front yard. However, the last time I looked out my kitchen window it looked like about half of the support wires had come loose and I won't be surprised if it's blown off during the night. I just hope it doesn't show up in my yard, I'm not really into horse-drawn hearses with clear sides filled with blinking skulls!

It might be thundering, so I'm finishing this up and will probably post more tomorrow. Possible spring like storms tonight!

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