Monday, November 24, 2008

Maggie's Monday Musings!

Maggie Beagle here! Sometimes my Mommm calls me other things, but my name is Maggie. She calls me moooose sometimes, and sometimes Maginator. I like Maginator, even if I don't know what it means.

My big brotherrrrr Frasierrrr is so mad! He tried to go over the fence today, so he could play in the big yard. But the fence bit him! I didn't know that fences could bite, did you? But ourrs did. I'm glad he had to stay in ourr yard, because he would go play without me and that just isn't fair. But he said some pretty bad words, I can't spell them but they were really bad! I think all the puppies next door have gone to their new homes, I hope so because I don't want them to hear that kind of barking that Frasierrrr was doing today. My ears were burrrnnning!

I played with my Mommm today, she played chase with me. I hid from her, I got under the bed and then when she couldn't find me I jumped out and ran all the way up the hall! It was fun, she almost couldn't keep up with me. I guess I run pretty fast. I think my Mommm had as much funn as I did. But I'm tirred now. I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight, Mommm says I go to bed with the chickenns. But I don't know where any chickenns are, so I don't know why she says that. But I'd like to eat chickenns. They taste good. So do moles, but we haven't found any lately.

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