Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's Always A Good Day...

When I find Fenton! $1.00 at Goodwill. As usual, they didn't know what they had. This is the Daisy & Button pattern, I have a couple of other pieces in that pattern. This is the big one, I have a small hat in that pattern in another color. Happy, Happy!

The next picture is my other find at Goodwill. $1.00 each, for two of them. Needless to say, I bought both of them. I'm not positive about the maker of these pieces, I've been all over the internet and haven't found anything yet. I have my suspicions, but I'm waiting for the Expert opinion. Like Otter said, the vases are pretty and for $1.00 each I had to grab them!

The tulips are planted. Check back next spring for updates! I also got the plants out of the whiskey barrel and planted the bluebonnet seeds. I discovered that there is already a tiny bluebonnet plant coming up in the barrel, it is from when this spring's volunteer bluebonnets went to seed. Unfortunately, it's coming up in November and is probably not going to be a long-lived plant. But it gives me hope, the seeds I planted today are off of the same plants that today's find is from. I also planted a few bluebonnet seeds in one spot and the end of the tulip bed where we've never had any luck with getting anything to grow because it's very shallow. I figured it was worth a try. I had originally planned on moving iris bulbs today as well, but I think I've spent enough time playing in the dirt for one day. Actually, it's not the playing in the dirt part that I mind - it's being on the business end of the shovel! My arms, shoulders and upper back will be sore but it's worth the work to have the tulip bed. And to be accurate, I used the post-hole digger instead of a shovel to dig holes for the tulip bulbs. Dad always used to call a post-hole digger an "idiot stick" because he said only an idiot would use one! Keep in mind that he said that as he was using one, when we put the fence up at their house shortly after we'd moved in. Froggy, remember that? But it works great for planting tulip bulbs.

Bill's car situation may be solved. Details in a few days.

We got the humidifiers up and running Friday afternoon. We were starting to get electrified and I know the dogs appreciate it when we don't shock them just by petting them! Also, Bill doesn't snore quite so much since we got the humidifiers running. Which is always a good thing. He can get pretty loud!

Ok, I'm going to go surf the internet now. Maybe update this later, maybe not.


Anonymous said...

The second photo!! LoL. Quite "suggestive" in its sideways "glory." LoL.

Otter Mom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Otter Mom said...

The deleted comment was my first answer. I've changed the picture. I didn't even see that until you commented on it! But hopefully it's better now...

Anonymous said...

looks like a vase now!

Otter Mom said...

'Keet said that the vases are not Fenton but I didn't think that they were. I was thinking maybe Imperial, which he said is a possibility or they could be Brody. I don't think that they are Brody though. Anchor Hocking is his other suggestion, which they could be. Either way, I like them and they look great with my other glass items! Thanks for the help, Keet.

Now that they are the right direction, they look like they should. :)