Monday, November 03, 2008

It's Almost Over

We're in the home stretch now. The election is tomorrow. I will be glad for one reason: I'm tired of turning on the tv or radio and seeing/hearing nothing but political ads! Same thing about phone calls, although so far we have just gotten ones from our own party choice. Which is a good thing, because if we get an Obama call and it's a real person and not a recording - I'm going to burn their ears out with my opinions. Most of the local ones are pretty dirty, they could give lessons on how to conduct attack campaigns. I'm not anxious for another reason: I am terrified of an Obama presidency. I told Bill the other day that I knew well that I am probably living in denial about a McCain win tomorrow, but I also told him that I am happy there and I don't want to leave! I am going to be at my polling place when they open, 7:00 a.m. tomorrow. If the line is as long as it could be, I'll leave and go to work. Then I'll stop by after work tomorrow, when I can stand in line and not have to worry about being late - stand being relative, I have a bad knee and a bad heel so it might not be quiet standing! But I will vote, and I hope it's early.

Then I'm not sure if I'm even going to turn on the tv tomorrow night or not! Remember, I'm happily living in my state of denial! :) (I'm just kidding here - about not turning on the tv, anyway).

After I blogged yesterday about how we were going to take it easy for the rest of the afternoon, Otter and I decided to go take our Goodwill donation. Which meant that we had to shop there, I mean we were already there anyway! Then we decided to head to another thrift store. We didn't find much at either one, but it was still fun. Wallyworld, however, was not fun! But we were out of milk so that was not a stop we could skip. We took the plastic bags to drop off at their recycling bin while we were there, so that was one chore accomplished that I will not have to do later in the week. Of course, I still have two large paper sacks full of newspaper to drop off and I'll do that this week sometime.
Ok, I've put off my eBay stuff long enough! Time to get to work. Then it will be time to start dinner - spaghetti and garlic bread is tonight's menu. Nobody is a big fan of meatballs or meat sauce in my house, so it's a vegetarian meal for us - unless you count the butter I use to make the garlic bread. Well, I guess that is still vegetarian. Just not vegan!

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