Sunday, November 09, 2008

Sunday Too Early in the Morning!

I've been up since about 5:30. I have not had my coffee yet. That's a bad thing.

Anyway, the point of this rambling is that I forgot something in last night's post. We looked out the back window and this is what we saw:

Here's a close up:

It's in Tulsa this weekend, part of the Veteran's Day observation. We have seen this one before, on the ground in San Antonio when we were expecting a little Otter. I think that this is the one that was at the SA Airport, they were offering flights but they were several hundered dollars. I'm sure that they cost a lot more now. Bill has a lot of pictures he took then. But we had never seen it in the air. It was so neat to see it flying. Bill saw it twice actually, Otter saw it the first time he did and then I saw it in the afternoon. He might have seen it Friday afternoon as he was driving home, also. But yesterday we were watching a WWII movie, and it was a scene where someone was flying a plane into enemy territory. I kept thinking that the volume must have suddenly gotten louder. Then I realized that the thundering sound I was hearing was coming from outside, not inside. I glanced out the window and there she was! B-17's are big planes and she is absolutely georgeous.

I might post more later. Right now, I'm going to go get the coffee started. My caffiene system is getting low, too much blood and not enough caffiene in my veins.

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