Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday Stuff & November Book List

First things first: The book list. It's not nearly as big as usual, it's been a busy month. We have been trying to clear a lot of stuff out in terms of eBay listing and we've also gone through a bunch of stuff that we donated to various places. But I did find some time to read. Not enough!

1. Hounded to Death by Rita Mae Brown. OK, but not quite as good as the rest of this series has been.

2. Loose Lips by Rita Mae Brown. I read this a few years ago, it's still funny.

3. Little House in the Ozarks by Laura Ingalls Wilder. This is a collection of columns she wrote for a newspaper over several years.

4. West from Home by Laura Ingalls Wilder. This is letters that she wrote home to her husband when she was visiting their daughter in San Francisco shortly before WWI.

5. The Stranger Beside Me by Ann Rule. This one is scary, he was a serial killer (Ted Bundy) and she worked with him for a while. She had no idea that he was the "Ted" that was suspected in multiple murders of young girls.

6. Drawing Life - Surviving the Unabomber by David Gelennter. I expected a liberal slant, but he's actually very conservative. And he was a victim of a mistake by the press. He was photographed and then mis-identified as an inventor of something hi-tech. Which was enough for the unabomber to target him.

7. This Year it Will be Different by Maeve Binchy. Short stores about Christmas.

8. Collectible Glassware for the 40's - 50's - 60's by Gene & Cathy Florence. I learned a lot from this one.

9. It's Hard Out Here For a Shrimp by Pepe the King Prawn, intro by Kermit the Frog. Muppets rule!

10. Chihuly - Oklahoma City Museum of Art. I have a fantasy. One day I will find a piece of glass art by Chihuly at a yard sale, thrift or flea market. They won't realize what they have and will have a price tag of just a few dollars on it. Instead of the multiple thousands that it's actually worth! Chihuly is absolutely gifted, there is no other word for it. Froggy - the glass tower in the SA downtown library that looks like a bunch of glass squashes - it's one of his. And by multiple thousands of dollars, I mean multiples of 10! Some of his pieces go for more than my house! (No, if I ever do find one, it will not be for eBay!).

11. Santa Clawed by Rita Mae Brown. The latest in the Mrs. Murphy series - she's a cat that helps her human solve mysteries. It wasn't that good, actually.

12. Stolen Innocence by Elissa Wall. This is a heartbreaking story, she is the girl who brought Warren Jeffs down. He's the leader of the FLDS cult, the one in Texas that the children were taken from and then the state had to give them back. When she was 14, she was forced into marriage with her older cousin and she eventually was able to get away.

That is all I had time to read this month. Hopefully, December will have more book time. I have one book I started reading yesterday, but I haven't had time to read more than a couple of chapters so it will be # 1 on December's list.

Otter went to the movie Twilight today, I took her and one of her friends. I dropped them off and then went back later, so I didn't actually see the movie. She said it was pretty good, it stayed with the book more than they thought it would. She said she'll want the dvd when it comes out, I'll watch it then. Bill had been teasing her about it being about vampires. She said that it has one scene he might like - the girl in the movie is about to go out on a date and when the boy comes to pick her up, dear old Dad is loading his gun! Sounds like a man after Bill's own heart. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I typed this and then somehow it got lost. I read Santa Clawed. I liked it, but it was not as good as the others in the series. I have read books on dog training, for some unknown reason. i am reading a book called The world in Six Songs. He divides music into 6 kinds. It is a little wordy, but has some very interesting ideas. I am also reading quilting and craft books. I really enjoyed the sock craft book. I want to learn to knit, so those books will be next. I am also going to start the book on Migraines that we talked about earlier in the year. I am also reading 3-4 series, mostly about crafts and women and friendship .
I bet that you don't get to read as much in December. I probably wont. My Aggies will be home for about 5-6 weeks between semesters. Lee will be home for 2 weeks. This doesn't leave as much time for reading. I think that Jan will be the best time for reading.