Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Now Back to My Regularly Scheduled Blog Entry!

I was at the polling place at 6:50 this morning. There was very little parking available, I took a chance and pulled into the parking lot instead of parking out on the street like most people were doing at that point. I got lucky, I got a decent parking place although it was in the yard area of the church where we vote. I got in the already long line and at 7:30 I actually entered the church's doors. I'd already decided that if I had not gotten to vote by about 7:45, I'd just go on to work and come back after I got off. I was # 96, and I walked out at 7:37. Bill went after work, he gets off at 4:00 and was hoping that he would beat the 5:00 influx. He got a parking space in the very front, he did the same thing I did - took a chance. He only had about a 10 minute wait. He was # 1444. He said that the line was growing exponentially by the time he left.

Goodwill had a special, 25% off of clothing if you had an "I Voted" sticker. So Otter and I decided it was worth it to go look. She tried on a pair of really cute jeans, but they were too small. I tried on three blouses. Two were too big! That's a good thing, I'm always excited to discover that a size that fit recently is now too big. The other blouse I tried on fit, but I couldn't tell until I put it on that the collar was partially off. I looked at it, but decided it wasn't really fixable. So we walked out without buying anything, but it was still fun. There were a LOT of people in there, all with stickers and all looking at clothing.

Prayer Request: my older boss' wife is 92 and her health is not good. She's been doing great, but the last couple of months have been very hard for her. It's not one thing in particular, but she's beginning to have a lot of times when she's not well and she's been to her doctor quite a bit. Personally, I think her age is catching up with her. She's a very sweet lady, she pretty much adopted me after my Mom died and she's very close to Otter.

That's about it for tonight. I'm going to go figure out what I want to eat, nobody was really hungry so we decided to F & F tonight. F & F is our shortand for "Fix it and Find out" which is what you say when someone asks what's for dinner and you aren't cooking! Bill came up with it, and we use it frequently, not always about food. I usually cook dinner, but tonight it's an F & F night. Then I think I will watch a little tv, I'm sure it's just going to be election returns. And I probably already know what that will be. But I'm going to be optimistic as long as I can.

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