Friday, November 14, 2008

Frasier Friday

Today's installment is brought to you by none other than Frasier the Wonder Dog!

Frasier's words of wisdom will be a regular Friday feature, although not necessarily every Friday.

Right now, he is busy in the living room. Keeping his blanket company, it gets lonely. He would like me to tell you that he does not think that it was at all necessary for Otter to run the vacuum. He said that the carpet was just like he liked it.

He also wants to know if anybody has any cats for him to play with.


Jan said...

Hey! Haven't been around lately and was happy to pop in and see that Frasier is running the show! On Friday's anyway! Yep, we'd be better served if the dogs took over some days, I think! LOL! It would give us all a break! Take care!

Anonymous said...

I have 3 cats that Frasier can come visit. All 3 of them would attack him. My cats do not believe in dogs as the good guy. They think that dogs are a pain and should go live somewhere else. After being gone for 4 days and having a house /pet sitter things are messy. She did a great job and described my 2 dogs and 3 cats as a zoo. Remember Lucky is still a puppy and was left outside more and you can imagine what my back
yard looks like. She found more things to chew- my faucet cover, a plastic planter, wood, toys, etc.