Wednesday, December 03, 2008

2 for One Beagle Wednesday!

Ok, so it's actually two posts in one day and it happens to be Wednesday. But on one of the cute animal websites they had 2 for one Beagle Wednesday as a caption on a picture of beagles on a Wednesday! I liked the title, so I used it today.

Frasier is much better, he acted like he was starting to feel better this morning. I know he's better this afternoon, because he jumped the fence into the big yard sometime today. Also, he caught a bird and ate part of it before I could get it away from him. I think it was a starling. He got a milk bone treat, which is standard when they catch a mole. Since he was obviously intending to eat the bird, I gave him a consolation prize. But then I also noticed that he'd been in the compost pile. I could tell because there was a rotten pumpkin in pieces all over the yard. He ate part of it. Which means that we are in for a fragrant evening as far as Frasier in concerned! He's still not quite as bouncy as he usually is, but he is definitely on the mend. Maggie is still spending a great deal of time just sitting by him, she seems to be less worried about him.
It was cold and windy today. It started out in the 50's, but it was what the forecasters call an Upside Down Day - the high was reached early in the morning and then it went progressively lower all day long. Of course, since I had on my wrap around skirt it was also windy! It will be in the mid-20's tonight. Bill's in the process of building a fire, and I'm going to go get the marshmallows!

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