Monday, December 22, 2008

Maggie Monday!

It's cold here, it makes me want to play! Play, play, play. That would bee a goooood day for me. My Mommm's Mommm said that my Mommm will be staying with us tomorrow, so we can stay inside all day. That's goood, because it was boringggg today. It was cold, so we snuggled in the little den the people call the grrrg. Frasier is furrrry, so he's warrmmm. But he didn't want to play! So when my Mommm's Mommm got home, I got one of the chew bones and she played with me. Then I went outside and took my chew bone. Frasier keeps taking all the toys and stuff outside, then I have to go get them and bring them back inside. But he groomed my ears for me, so I forgave him.

Mommm's Mommm brought in two big things that she said were called boxxes. They smelled differently than the stuff in our house, and she said I could sniff them all I want. I don't know what they are, but maybe there is something we can eat inside! Do you think that there might be?

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