Saturday, December 06, 2008

Fabulous Frasier Friday on Saturday

Frasier here. I didn't quite get back here on the day before today before my Momm turned this thing off. She said it was sundown or something like that, I don't know what that meant. It just was dark outside. But I'm not afraid of the dark.

I was sick earlier. I have this big sore place on my foot that has been there for a while. I haven't felt like a happy dog for a lot of days. But I didn't tell Momm, since I was too busy trying to take care of her. But finally I couldn't hide it any longer, and I told Momm that I didn't feel too good. So I had to go to the vvvett. I don't like the vvvett. He gave me two shots, and they did something impolite to me that they called taking my temperature. Don't ever let anybody do that to you! It's very rude. But I'm a good boy so I didn't bite anybody. Anyway, Momm has some drops she has to put on my foot. She won't let me lick my foot, but I think she should let me since that would make it feel better. I'm feeling better now, but I think I must have been really sick because my Momm was acting really scared and so was Maggie's Momm. But I'm all better now.

I hope I don't have to go back to the vvett anytime soon. Maggie went with me, she was silly about it like she usually is. The vvettt took her to a differrrrent room, I don't know what they did to her but she didn't like it. She kept trying to put her rear parts by the wall and she said that she wouldn't let anybody touch her tail end again. She's so silly.
But anyway, I'm all better now. So I can go back to being in charge again. Maggie was nice to me while I was sick, but now she's back to biting me when she wants to play. Even if I don't want to play. I guess I just have to put up with her, she is my little sister after all. So I guess that makes it ok.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to hear from Frasier again.